pope in a sentence 2

Use ‘pope’ in a sentence | ‘pope’ example sentences

48- University students also have been recruited to come out for the pope.

49- A Vatican statement said pope Francis had accepted Finn’s resignation.

50- During the meeting, the pope told Davis to “stay strong”, Staver said.

51- Turkson was a key adviser on the pope‘s encyclical on the environment.

52- pope John Paul II did not meet with dissidents when he visited in 1998.

53- And the pope understood that there’s a time and a place for everything.

54- The pope‘s trip will take him to Washington, New York and Philadelphia.

55- The pope said the desire to avoid scandal should not lead to cover-ups.

56- The pope made the comments at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City.

57- The pope almost rushed through the crowds in his open-sided popemobile.

58- The pope will do what he thinks is the right thing to do, Lombardi said.

59- But he acknowledged that it was something pope Francis “would not want.”

60- We do not exist, it seems, in pope Francis’ world, Miranda said.”

61- Andy brought the Franciscans a pope Francis doll, and had us all sign it.

62- First, no pope has dedicated an entire encyclical to ecological concerns.

63- Alison Reyes Gonzalez says the pope‘s grandmother taught him how to pray.

64- It’s anyone’s guess how politicians will heed the pope‘s recommendations.

65- The pope travels to the city of Holguin Monday morning to celebrate mass.

66- The fact that pope Francis facilitated Romero’s beatification is notable.

67- pope Francis called the adoption of the SDGs “an important sign of hope.”

68- pope Francis has taken his call for action on climate change to Congress.

69- It is not clear if pope Francis will attend the Paris climate conference.

70- One young girl got through the barrier and handed the pope a letter.

71- Last year, the pope donated a Harley-Davidson that he was given to charity.

72- Crowds gathered for a glimpse of pope Francis on his first visit to the US.

73- pope Francis prays as he leads a mass in Asuncion, Paraguay, July 12, 2015.

74- Erdogan said the pope “has a private jet, private cars and armored vehicles.

75- Bush also hosted a dinner honoring the pope, though Benedict did not attend.

76- Philly is the epicenter of this week’s mania over the visit of pope Francis.

77- “It’s essential that the pope delivers a message to the government of Cuba.”

78- Cardinals are the pope‘s highest ranking aides in Rome and around the world.

79- Any harm done to the environment, the pope said, “is harm done to humanity.”

80- Trump: Yes I’d scare the pope Picture this: Trump and the pope, face-to-face.

81- The pope will attend the World Meeting of Families gathering in Philadelphia.

82- After the sun came out, when the pope was leaving, I don’t know how I did it.

83- Nonetheless, pope Francis stressed that immigrants should not be turned away.

84- NSR’s Doug pope said the hikers wandered into the Harvey Creek drainage area.

85- @ChuckGrassley: Somebody fr whitehouse just chkd sound system for pope visit.

86- ABC linked up with the pope to audiences in three cities in the United States.

87- The pair is preparing meals for pope Francis during his 40 hours in Manhattan.

88- Addressing the packed arena, the pope urged compassion for the less fortunate.

89- The pope‘s message for the ordinary people of America will be a different one.

90- Seeing pope Francis in person was an “amazing experience,” Phil told HuffPost.

91- Even though he often wanted to smother her in one of his many giant pope hats.

92- A lot of people would see our Holy Father as the pope of gesture,” Kurtz said.

93- pope calls for world leaders to normalize relations Can the pope ever be wrong?

94- The pope was very happy to see thousands and thousands and thousands of people.

95- The pope leaves on Friday for Paraguay, the last stop on his “homecoming” trip.

96- Wind blows the papal skullcap off pope Francis’ head on Wednesday, February 19.

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