pollute in a sentence

Use ‘pollute’ in a sentence | ‘pollute’ example sentences

1- Industrial wastes pollute the earth.

2- The government has to do more to find and charge companies that pollute our environment.

3- In my opinion, the government should do more to prosecute industries that pollute the environment.

4- You shouldn’t pour motor oil into the storm drains on the street because the water there goes into the ocean, and will pollute it.

5- Ever since the destruction of the planet Earth, Martians have patrolled the galaxy, arresting any humans that begin to pollute other planets.

6- Ever since the destruction of the planet Earth, Martians have been patrolling the galaxy, arresting any humans that begin to pollute other planets.

7- That’s because the less we pollute, the less pollution nature absorbs.

8- Why pollute a perfectly natural experience with the unnatural sounds of music?

9- Nothing can pollute or adulterate it.

10- ” General Ripper explains to Group Captain Mandrake how he first discovered the Communist plot to pollute Americans’ “precious bodily fluids.

11- Issues Pesticides were found to pollute every stream and over 90% of wells sampled in a study by the US Geological Survey.

12- After the test was over, the controls were turned off, allowing the cars to pollute up to 40 times the allowable levels.

13- All governments dream about baby boom and the same time instead of ensure the healthy nation they build factories which pollute the environment.

14- Be mindful of the fish stocking to ensure that too many fish do not over-pollute the system.

15- But if it isn’t spotted early, it can seriously pollute an entire app’s attribution efforts – leading advertisers astray and causing them to waste a significant amount of time chasing after users they’ve already acquired.

16- Carbon credits, which companies can buy if they pollute more than they are allowed, will be auctioned in a market set up by the government.

17- It does not matter how cool and “how much it makes sense”, it is always considered a bad practices to pollute global, native, constructors prototypes.

18- It is unacceptable for industry to produce products that pollute our oceans when alternatives are readily available.”

19- Many things can be said about the Dam, but the thing by itself doesn’t pollute the river.

20- Of course, some shareholders may indeed be purely self-interested actors-psychopaths-who don’t mind if their companies deceive consumers, maim employees, or pollute the environment.

21- She also said that the plastic container would pollute the Earth.

22- These measures aim to weed out some of the junk which could pollute the Watch platform, and turn users away.

23- Trump is allowing the advisers who are hawkish on Iran and China to influence his decisions, or even pollute the information environment.

24- According to an AAV environmental impact assessment report, the company plans to de-water the wetlands; draw water from the subsurface water resources; and pollute the streams that feed the rivers originating in the area.

25- According to the rumors, the goal for admitting spam sites into the AdSense program was to increase engagement metrics but also to pollute Microsoft’s Bing search engine.

26- And like other fossil fuels, burning coal gives off harmful byproducts that pollute the air.

27- “Are we going to allow the mining industry to pollute rivers until a solution that is cheaper for them is found?

28- “Do not pollute the land where you are.

29- “If we pollute that wellspring, the infection will spread; before long, hidden appetites will become open sins and public shame” (Wiersbe).

30- It can also pollute water sources.

31- It is mind-boggling that coal mining, which is known to pollute water, could even be considered here when water is such a rare, precious and threatened commodity in South Africa.

32- One tends to think that one should not feed too much so as not to pollute the tank like for smaller fishes but that is not enough as the temp is high and their metabloic rate is high and therefore they need a lot of food.

33- South Africa’s coal-fired power stations also consume vast quantities of water and pollute the air and water too.

34- They are mainly used in conveying powdery and granular materials etc. that pollute the environment.

35- This includes water treatment plants and drainage systems that pollute freshwater systems and storage dams.

36- Those who pollute holy time will keep nothing pure.”

37- Traditionally, the tailing will be discharged directly as tailing dam, which will pollute environment or cause big damage.

38- When it is working, the ball won’t pollute the grinding materials, so it can keep the purity and improve the stability of grind materials especially the ceramic glaze.

39- Which area are they going to pollute now?”

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