poachers in a sentence

Use ‘poachers’ in a sentence | ‘poachers’ example sentences

1- DRC Hounding down poachers in the DR Congo How do you catch a poacher?

2- In South Africa alone, a record 1,215 rhinos were killed by poachers last year.

3- Kruger has been vulnerable to poachers infiltrating from neighboring Mozambique.

4- poachers happened upon a female lion and her two cubs, and promptly killed them.

5- Kenya burnt 15 tons ivory recovered from poachers and smuggler earlier this month.

6- The subspecies has been decimated by poachers, who kill the rhinos for their horns.

7- The discovery comes a week after poachers killed 14 elephants using the same method.

8- This month, police in Zimbabwe arrested five pangolin poachers, according to WildAid.

9- 955482Yet the animals are still being killed by poachers looking to make a quick payday.

10- Decades ago, poachers would hunt using long rifles and so the magnitude was much smaller.

11- Rhinos are targeted by poachers, fueled by the belief in Asia that their horns cure various ailments.

12- At least 62 poachers have been arrested in Kruger this year, many coming from neighboring Mozambique.

13- Bewick’s Swan cannot be hunted legally, but almost half the birds studied contained lead shot in their body, indicating they were shot at by poachers.

14- poachers often kill the mothers first, since siamang females are highly protective of their infants, and it is difficult to remove the infant without first killing the mother.

15- African Buffalo and elephants fell to the poachers.

16- The park also has some floating watch stations and camps to protect the property from poachers.

17- The guards are warned not to confront poachers, but to call in the incident to the armed wardens.

18- The shows various episodes follow poachers, marijuana grows on public lands, hunting season and illegal game trade.

19- Clarify From time to time they attacked and killed poachers on the lands reserved to them by the Indian government.

20- George finds the poachers at the treehouse, with Ape in a cage, and he defeats them after an extended battle, with help from Ursula and his animal family.

21- Ali had his own animated cartoon television show called The Adventures of Muhammad Ali, in which he wrestled alligators, fought off poachers in the African jungle, and battled space warriors.

22- Assam is the only state where the local forest department has bestowed powers to the guards to shoot suspected poachers if they don’t heed their warnings to surrender.

23- Fly out to the Borean Tundra flight path of your choice and head towards the lake full of poachers south of the Amber Ledge.

24- Hobbyists are so eager to obtain these electrifying geckos and poachers continue to remove them from the protected reserve, purposely mislabeling them to get around customs officials.

25- On one side are poachers, who trespass on private and public land to hunt and harvest the world’s most threatened wildlife.

26- These orphan rhinos have a sad story12:15 EDT, Tue., 2 Feb 2016These orphan baby rhinos saw their mothers get shot by poachers but they’ve been nursed back to health at Rhino Revolution orphanage.

27- This is true especially for a species as threatened with extinction as the mountain gorilla, which is why this story is just so incredibly heart-wrenching: This buck-toothed gorilla is too dumb-looking to ever scare poachers away from its children.

28- What’s more, officials are accusing the loggers of resorting to arson to distract field agents and native militia from patrols aimed at deterring timber poachers.

29- When a huge gorilla’s peaceful existence is shattered by poachers, it’s up to his best friend to rescue him from past and present enemies.

30- According to the accepted data, poachers currently remove nothing less than 2000 tons of abalone annually from Western Cape waters.

31- A number of poachers’ boats, filled with illegal gill nets, regularly litter the Richards Bay Police Station grounds – but it doesn’t even dent the poaching operations.

32- As rangers literally went to war against heavily armed and highly organised gangs of poachers over the past decades, many South Africans have become more concerned for the preservation of our remaining rhinos.

33- As wild tiger populations dwindle, poachers are turning to lions to feed the insatiable Chinese appetite for ‘potions’ made from big cat bones.

34- By “Paternoster” he meant people will simply look to purchase illegally caught WCRL from the so called poachers, the price in the shop is rediculous for locals to afford so what other option is there.

35- Dr Hannes Slabbert, the Senior Manager: Canine Business at Mechem says well-trained dog and handler teams remain among the most effective solutions to track and apprehend poachers in a vast terrain such as KNP.

36- ENACT’s research shows that most poaching occurs in South Africa, followed by Namibia and Zimbabwe, where poachers are increasingly poisoning their prey with cyanide.

37- He added that their dogs have tracked poachers for up to a staggering eight hours or more at a time through extreme conditions and still proved to catch their targets.

38- He says the slight dip in figures, which show that poachers are still focusing primarily on South Africa, are “offset by an alarming increase in the number of rhinos killed in neighbouring countries”.

39- He was the first ranger killed by poachers in the park in 60 years.

40- In 2010, 333 Rhinos were killed (323 White and 10 Black Rhinos) and 165 poachers were arrested.

41- In the process we have built excellent relationships with Shembe Church members, poachers, anti-poachers, traditional tailors, conservationists and law officers.

42- It is used for patrolling the skies above South African game reserves, on the lookout for rhino poachers and injured rhinos.

43- I’ve witnessed myself how the poachers are taking over Pringle bay and Hangklip.

44- Lions targeted for Chinese ‘medicines’ As wild tiger populations dwindle, poachers are turning to lions to feed the insatiable Chinese appetite for ‘potions’ made from big cat bones.

45- Locating orphaned rhino from the air, who have lost their mothers to poachers, is becoming a more and more frequent occurrence in our area of operation.

46- Malayan tigers are also threatened by poachers.

47- Ms Catherine Jakins received her Master’s degree in Social Sciences for research on the motivations of rhino poachers in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).

48- Not to mention that the department’s only apparent compliance strategy is to arrest poachers with poached abalone so that it can sell the illicit product for profit.

49- One is fencing in properties – in a frustrating attempt to keep poachers out – along with the repeated need to repair them.

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