pledge in a sentence 5

Use ‘pledge’ in a sentence | ‘pledge’ example sentences

194- Action in Autism has committed to acknowledging World Autism Day on April 2 by asking people to make their pledge to be non-verbal for one hour – from 10am to 11am.

195- Add honor pledge.

196- After opening the plague they signed a pledge to seal their commitment and support to the new partnership between the City of Tshwane Customer Care Centre Programme (TCCCP) and the Thusong Service Centre programme (TSCP).

197- All Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association members voluntarily sign a pledge, committing themselves to the guiding principles of RC.

198- A pledge is a promise – do not break your promise to the beneficiary child.

199- As a Donor you are able to create a Team pledge.

200- As important as the Contract with South Africa is our Integrity pledge.

201- As proof of this adherence to this national movement,each burgher placed a stone on a cairn,which was to be a lasting monument to their national pledge.

202- At the event, Mpumi Maseko, chair of SHARP for 2005, took the opportunity to pledge SHARP’s commitment to following in the footsteps of the organisation’s founders, who were also in attendance.

203- Attica Gold Becomes Fastest Growing Gold Buying and Selling Company in India Attica Gold Company becomes the fastest growing company in India, which deals in buying, selling, releasing pledge gold and all type of jewelry in India.

204- Bank’s existing customers can avail the loan upto Rs.20 lacs by pledge of gold ornaments including gold coins sold by Banks.

205- Bonus Features: A 5-part documentary, Take The pledge, taking you behind the scenes of the film; The Legacy of Assassin’s Creed and Becoming an Assassin.

206- Canute must pledge over the giacinta.

207- Challenging each other on-air to equal or better their financial pledge to Radio Veritas were individuals, sodalities, church groups, etc and the most outstanding group that flooded the station with pledges was Men in Christ Gauteng.

208- China will close 67 ivory carving factories and retail shops on Friday, roughly one-third of the total, as it moves to implement a pledge to end all domestic ivory sales by the end of the year.

209- Each year, at the end of our World Outreach Celebration, we take up our Faith Promise pledge.

210- Every year, second-year social development students about to embark on fieldwork take a pledge – to be ethical, principled and responsible.

211- First, wedding rings are an important expression of a couple and their pledge of lifelong fidelity and love.

212- For many mentors the choice to pledge and take on a mentee came from the fact that they were in a similar situation when they were younger.

213- “For the future of our planet, I pledge to reduce my use of plastic shopping bags & to increase the use of my long-life shopping bags.”

214- “For the good of the environment, I pledge to no longer purchase or accept single-use plastic shopping bags.

215- Further, and most importantly, the absence of the Name which is above all names-Jesus Christ-is conspicuous in this pledge (at least, conspicuous to those with eyes to see).

216- Gabela, who is also studying towards a degree in Education, added, ‘I pledge to do my very best with my academic performance.

217- Go to Agents Portal and then bottom left ‘One Learner Intern pledge

218- Graves is one of the founding members of The Pool, a new initiative with charity: water that allows early tech employees to donate or pledge stock options in private companies before a major liquidity event.

219- He then went on to explain the honor and dignity associated to the pledge which they as councilors have taken and that this too should be conveyed by all councilors to their respective wards.

220- If the African National Congress is to meet its pledge to get rid of shacks by 2014, Johannesburg needs to build 48000 new units a year.

221- I further pledge to use the platform made available to me as a journalist to positively influence all whom I have contact with.

222- In the Mpumalanga province the opposition party leader, the DA’s Anthony Benadie, appealed at the pledge-signing ceremony in March that the ANC should stop using state resources to campaign during the elections.

223- I pledge, to make Vleesbaai and our surrounding area a plastic shopping bag & Single use straw free zone.

224- “I pledge to no longer use single use plastic bags, whatever the purpose, and bring along my own reusable, material bag instead.”

225- I pledge to Rethink the Bag!

226- “I pledge to use reusable shopping bags as often as possible.

227- I thank you for making use of our products and services and pledge that we will do all in our power to justify your faith in Bidvest.

228- It includes a poster encouraging caregivers to ask about the Road to Health book, and a pledge by doctors and nurses to use the Road to Health book effectively.

229- It is supported by an appropriate pre-test and post-test counselling and education programme, and a variety of promotional elements including posters and bunting, pledge walls, and a memory stick with a multi-media presentation and HIV information.

230- It is therefore our responsibility as governments, as citizens, as regional bodies to ensure that the democratic process is irrevocable and to pledge ourselves to work for its success.

231- It was very special to put on my ring and make a pledge to stay pure.

232- I was filled with pride when I watched you take the pledge.

233- I welcome this opportunity to pledge a moral and social commitment to building a better society in the New South Africa.

234- Join the growing number of businesses leading on this issue and sign up to the pledge.

235- Langenhoven says the ShoreTel pledge of brilliant simplicity has several benefits for the reseller channel.

236- Let us all pledge to undertake these responsibilities to ensure quality education for all.

237- Matric students at Taxila Secondary School, in Polokwane recently signed a pledge to do best in their forthcoming examinations.

238- Monthly contribution – Muizenberg FestivalWe have a pledge system where you can pledge a monthly amount for the festival….

239- Now, even in the era of Islam, if I were called to join in a pledge of this nature, I would definitely agree to join.”

240- Nurses were honoured for upholding the Nurse’s pledge and for serving with passion and professionalism.

241- Or are we truly in a ‘pledge-and-chat’ world, where whatever a country thinks is sufficient and fair is accepted with no multi-lateral process.

242- Other housing experts remain sceptical, however, if Sisulu’s pledge to locate low cost housing projects more centrally will see implementation or remain lip service.

243- Our Ground Floor rooms are situated around the communal tv-lounge and reception area, opening up to a (small) balcony overlooking pledge Square with its bustling restaurants, pubs and shops, or towards the breakfast deck and outdoor sitting area.

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