pledge in a sentence

Use ‘pledge’ in a sentence | ‘pledge’ example sentences

1- Membership still requires signing a pledge of abstinence and paying dues.

2- pledge allegiance to the national flag.

3- Find someone who has a pleasant character.

4- pledgeThe boy scouts made a pledge to always do their best.

5- Do you pledge to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?Are new immigrants to New Zealand required to pledge allegiance to the Queen? plentyChildren in the U.S. have to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning.

6- The children made their father sign a pledge promising that he would never smoke another cigarette.

7- The world’s governments have made a joint pledge to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2010.

8- In some ESL programs, students are required to sign a pledge to speak only English for the duration of their course.

9- Following the American Civil War, President Lincoln only asked that Southerners pledge loyalty to the union and free their slaves.

10- “While the fate of the pledge has been revealed, some questions remain.

11- The policy is a significant shift from Ed Miliband’s manifesto pledge.

12- Buffett joined Bill and Melinda Gates to start the Giving pledge in 2010.

13- China submitted its pledge in June; India is expected to do so this month.

14- The radical left Greek government was elected on a pledge to end austerity.

15- pledge to Vote: 5 questions answered about the election challenge Got kids?

16- The RNC pledge is not the only such agreement Trump’s team has been mulling.

17- To keep a CFA status current, a CFA must re-sign an ethics pledge each year.

18- Town leaders like Finch and others have dismissed the pledge as insufficient.

19- The newest member of the Giving pledge is Hamdi Ulukaya, who founded Chobani.

20- The F was for SDOT’s pledge to “reduce the maintenance backlog by about half.”

21- Calgary blogger Mike Morrison views the pledge of support as “purely symbolic.”

22- 20085Afghanistan presented a climate pledge despite years of internal conflict.

23- What was in the election campaign, however, was a pledge not to raise TTC fares.

24- The group notes the pledge is a “moral commitment,” rather than a legal contract.

25- A formal pledge of allegiance may only occur once a positive response is assured.

26- Aaron Church, Zach Jackson and Dustin Sessums will lead the pledge of allegiance.

27- He said he allowed an Arabic-speaking student to handle the pledge duties Wednesday.

28- So, too, will the pledge of steady at bats if he’s producing for the Colorado Rockies.

29- On Thursday, the director said Fernandez would relieve Stiuso of his pledge of secrecy.

30- The two launched the Giving pledge in 2010 to spur philanthropy by fellow billionaires.

31- Last week, Richard Trumka, the head of the AFL-CIO, failed to pledge support of Clinton.

32- The Sun describes it as a “major breakthrough” for a pledge to “wipe IS off the planet”.

33- He publicly signed a pledge saying that he would run as a Republican at the RNC’s urging.

34- We pledge to publish a newspaper that is fair, unbiased and accurate, the statement says.

35- The decision, however, was consistent with her campaign pledge to hold police accountable.

36- For more information on each pledge level and associated prizes, visit the IndieGoGo page.

37- I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

38- Your pledge mostly determines both the internal storage and the level of fancy trim you get.

39- Draghi repeated his euro pledge But the key is to act fast – before prices start to rise again.

40- Both have signed the pledge to Dry January – and vowed to give up alcohol for the next 31 days.

41- UK and Ireland U.N. secures pledge to free 3,000 South Sudan child soldiers 45 hrs ago Guardian.

42- 670575That’s similar to the pledge al-Abadi made Aug. 10, 2014, when he was named premier-elect.

43- The total dashes David Cameron’s pledge to reduce the number to below 100,000, the Guardian notes.

44- It includes an EU pledge to provide 3 billion euros to help improve refugees’ conditions in Turkey.

45- Boko Haram’s pledge stirred fresh debate about whether Islamic State is extending its global reach.

46- O) subsidiary Amplify to develop a privacy pledge to prevent misuse of data collected in classrooMs. Harper’s pledge to stand by Israel ‘through fire and water’ was a centrepiece of his foreign policy.

47- I pledge to you that we will follow the path of truth wherever it may lead, Francis said in Spanish.

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