pleasure in a sentence 2

Use ‘pleasure’ in a sentence | ‘pleasure’ example sentences

51- It is with great pleasure that we welcome you here.

52- She gave a long sigh of pleasure as he stroked her back.

53- He gets infinite pleasure from playing with his children.

54- Aphra Behn once said that variety is the soul of pleasure.

55- We take great pleasure in meeting all of you this evening.

56- She seems to take immense pleasure in playing with children.

57- She began to derive further pleasure from listening to music.

58- Nothing gives us so much pleasure as making things ourselves.

59- The children grinned with pleasure when I gave them the candy.

60- Their son’s success in the examination gave them great pleasure.

61- We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games.

62- There’s a certain pleasure in pointing out other people’s errors.

63- He is an evil man who seems to take pleasure in causing suffering.

64- The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

65- Health is above wealth this doesn’t give so much pleasure as that.

66- There is a certain pleasure in pointing out other people’s errors.

67- Today, we received your invitation to the exhibition with pleasure.

68- Nothing gave her greater pleasure than to watch her son growing up.

69- The pigs snuffled in greedy pleasure as they gobbled up their food.

70- According to Gandhi, it is a sin to have pleasure without conscience.

71- The dictionary defines happiness as a feeling of pleasure or contentment.

72- A parent or teacher should bring home to children the pleasure of reading.

73- Good points The pleasure of disposing of enemies with a variety of combos.

74- It’s the reader that determines whether they extract pleasure from reading.

75- Aristotle once observed that pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.

76- Wolves sometimes howl just from the pleasure of being in each other’s company.

77- Aristotle once suggested that pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.

78- Nothing in the world gives people so much real pleasure as having a happy family.

79- All our pies are baked fresh during the night for your dining pleasure the next day.

80- It gives parents intense pleasure to see their children doing well in their chosen career.

81- She sat in the middle of the garden, deriving great pleasure from the sight of her flowers.

82- Human beings usually have two basic desires to get away from pain and to arrive at pleasure.

83- When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home.

84- I had the pleasure of learning that you recently became the manager of the production division.

85- Mark Wills sang, “Don’t laugh at me, don’t call me names, don’t get your pleasure from my pain.

86- “Someone once joked that visitors always give pleasure – some when they come, others when they go.

87- The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident.

88- A Portuguese proverb notes that visits always give pleasure – if not at the arrival, then at the departure.

89- Maxim Gorky once remarked that when work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery.

90- Maxim Gorky once observed that when work is a pleasure, life is a joy, but when work is a duty, life is slavery.

91- There is a certain pleasure in exertion that all those who regularly take part in physical activity are aware of.

92- Robert Wright once noted the Hindu scriptures, like the Buddhist, dwell on withdrawal from the realm of pleasure.

93- We could hear my friends making love in the next room, and felt embarrassed every time they moaned with pleasure.

94- The Greek philosopher Epicurus taught that the greatest good was pleasure attained by tranquillity and detachment.

95- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu once noted that no entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor is any pleasure so lasting.

96- latterThere is a Portuguese proverb which states that visits always give pleasure, if not at the arrival, then at the departure.

97- The Bhagavad Gita states that the man to whom pleasure and pain are alike and who is wise becomes eligible for immortality.

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