pleasure in a sentence

Use ‘pleasure’ in a sentence | ‘pleasure’ example sentences

1- If the basket suggests you ask for a quote or you think the price is higher than it should be, please email us with the details and it will be our pleasure to check manually and to provide you with abetter quote, if possible.

2- Business before pleasure.

3- The pleasure is mine.

4- EldadHe was denied that pleasure.

5- Reading affords us pleasure.

6- He is always seeking pleasure.

7- You may play at your pleasure.

8- She found pleasure in reading.

9- We went to Hawaii for pleasure.

10- He combines work with pleasure.

11- Reading gives me great pleasure.

12- Don’t mix business with pleasure.

13- She abandoned herself to pleasure.

14- He lives for nothing but pleasure.

15- We can derive pleasure from books.

16- Reading affords me great pleasure.

17- The fine day added to our pleasure.

18- He derived much pleasure from books.

19- We anticipate it with much pleasure.

20- He did it with us all with pleasure.

21- He dwelt on the pleasure of the past.

22- She takes great pleasure in her work.

23- He finds pleasure in watching people.

24- It looks like there’s a pleasure boat.

25- Her absence robbed us of our pleasure.

26- The fine weather added to our pleasure.

27- Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you.

28- We derive a lot of pleasure from books.

29- Smiles do not always indicate pleasure.

30- Her only pleasure is listening to music.

31- We can derive great pleasure from books.

32- We can derive much pleasure from reading.

33- She takes pleasure in seeing horror filMs. Traveling by ship gives us great pleasure.

34- You will derive much pleasure from reading.

35- She took no pleasure in eating or drinking.

36- I’ll be present at the party with pleasure.

37- I don’t like to mix business with pleasure.

38- We did it with the greatest pleasure.

39- orcristPeople are given a lot of pleasure by music.

40- No pleasure is greater than that of reading.

41- He derives pleasure from attending concerts.

42- Our next trip is for pleasure, not for work.

43- It is hard to combine business with pleasure.

44- Moving about gives Americans a great pleasure.

45- To some life is pleasure, to others suffering.

46- Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure.

47- The lonely patient derives pleasure from sewing.

48- He likes to share his pleasure with his friends.

49- The fine day added to the pleasure of the picnic.

50- Penelope gets a lot of pleasure out of her sewing.

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