planted in a sentence 5

Use ‘planted’ in a sentence | ‘planted’ example sentences

200- After the weekly live show moved to L.A.’s UCB Theatre and Comedy Death-Ray Radiofreewheeling improvisations laid the groundwork for the Earwolf Podcast Network, the seeds for ’s IFC incarnation were planted around reruns of cult TV shows.

201- A garden was planted with organic herbs, to join in. “They saw the world differently than what I was familiar and dissatisfied with.

202- Although not they are not planted at particularly high altitudes (a maximum of 984ft/300m), the southern orientation of these vineyards offers extended exposure to the sun, which helps to ripen the Mourvedre grapes in particular.

203- Although the love between Miranda and me wasn’t immediate, my love of the garden she planted was, and I knew it was important to preserve it.

204- And, I’m really hoping that the rains will set in so that soil will soften up enough that I can dig up some of the new garden beds at least enough so that I can get the garlic planted and some new tulip bulbs tucked in.

205- Animal probiotics will not stayed planted.

206- A recently planted (last 40 years) urban tree has an average lifespan of only 8 years.

207- A salsa garden is perfect for making fresh salsa, and the exact ingredients you need can be planted and placed right outside your door!

208- At my mother’s urging, I wrote down my dreams, planted them deep in the earth, and prayed they would grow.

209- At the time, some people called me Leroy, a nickname planted on me by George DuBose, a rock ’n’ roll photographer.

210- Because that was just planted.

211- Behind the high city walls the peach trees, planted in courtyards, bloomed earlier than they did upon the farms spreading over the level plains around the moat.

212- “Best day for me was outside Sienna,arriving at the Villa Crocicchio,in Regello – planted in the middle of olive orchards – after visiting the Etruscan museum – after making our own lunch with Chef Stefano at Agriturismo La Pietriccia.

213- Building a no-dig garden involves layering materials over the topsoil in which plants and crops can be planted so that there’s no need to disturb the soil itself.

214- But I planted more, and these turned out beautifully.

215- But she saved the seeds from the unhappy plants and planted them again, and then again.

216- Clearly ratings got a bump from Ashley S., so now we need to suffer through at least one of these planted nutjobs every season.

217- Customers pay around $80 US per month to “own” ten square meters of land, decide which seeds they want planted, and reap everything that grows.

218- Destroyed blocks reveal power-ups, including one that lets you increase an explosion’s range and another that lets you pick up and toss planted bombs.

219- Eventually, she planted an explosive device in his actual girlfriend’s car, attempting to murder her.

220- Excerpt:What archaeologists have begun to recover is Jesus’s world-the beat of everyday life in the fishing villages where he is said to have planted the seeds of a movement.

221- Ex.: pour water on your hand and sprinkle it over where each seed was planted.

222- Fields planted out to canola were stunted, paddocks carrying stock were bare with the animals looking hungry.

223- For these writers story is simply a seed that has to be planted and tended and grown with little or no idea of what the end result will be.

224- From planted offshoot to the first harvest usually takes seven years, and there is often a 50 percent mortality rate.

225- Further this year, more than 1,300 partners (employees) and volunteers planted more than 30,900 trees in cities throughout Mexico.

226- General Williams believes the Doctor and Jo are human agents planted by the Draconians to sabotage any war effort by Earth.

227- Get your fall-blooming and colchicum planted so they’ll bloom on time.

228- Heavily planted outdoor pens with non-toxic plants will allow your tortoise the many shaded areas necessary to protect them from harsh sun rays and allow for natural grazing behavior.

229- He planted a garden of kale, collard greens, and tomatoes there, and he shares the produce with his community.

230- He planted his feet strongly upon the ground and rolled up his sleeve, baring his arm to the chill mist.

231- However, with this year’s largest garden plot ever, I decided I HAD to walk the talk and actually keep detailed notes on what is planted when and how each variety does.

232- I also have seeds planted in among-st the plants.

233- “I can have them planted in less time than it takes to change.

234- I cannot resist poking them in wherever they will fit and grow; thyme particularly, will have to be planted to spill over retaining walls and creep along stonework.

235- “I didn’t know that apple trees had to be planted in pairs of two different varieties.

236- I live in constant danger of having a chair planted directly on top of my foot.

237- I made gardens and parks for myself and I planted in them all kinds of fruit trees; I made ponds of water for myself from which to irrigate a forest of growing trees.

238- I’m rocketing down the blacktop now, and the car is absolutely planted and as steady as it was at sub-100mph.

239- In 2017, only 325,000 acres were planted across the continent.

240- Indeed, Miéville has taken the metaphysical metaphors of Baudelaire and planted them firmly in surreality, with demons raised through the gates of hell prowling the streets of Paris.

241- In the 1800s, farmers in Ireland planted one variety of potato called the Lumper, which grows on small plots in even the worst soils.

242- I planted garlic and onion sets last week!

243- I planted leeks in my first-ever garden this year and really have had no idea what to do with them.

244- I planted my first garden over the weekend.

245- I remember 1990 as the “year of the sock” and the year that, unbeknownst to me, the seeds of my addiction were planted.

246- “I remember how the community garden we’d just planted was devastated,” she says.

247- I say this because it always pisses me off when I read other reviews and I can see that certain overly positive reviews have clearly been planted.

248- It is classified as a minor fruit since most of the trees have been planted accidentally by the ancestors of farmers, who are now happy to find a tree or two on their plots of land.

249- It is in community in which the seeds of the future have are planted.

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