patsy in a sentence 2

Use ‘patsy’ in a sentence | ‘patsy’ example sentences

51- Well known players *Patsy Gormley – Goalkeeper on Derry’s 1958 All-Ireland Senior Football Championship runners-up side.

52- In Iraq, Michael finally learns that his father actually was a patsy, used by the government through a British building company, just like George Sr. had always claimed.

53- Spark Matsunaga was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1963, and in 1965 Patsy Mink became the first Asian American woman elected to the United States Congress.

54- Those ends wound up in Patsy’s hands, and ultimately in his pipes.

55- To play alongside Patsy Gallacher in national cup final was a dream.

56- Brady is kidnapped under Patsy’s surveillance and Trudy is furious at her.

57- “Bill” Smith, as he is more commonly known, later married his current wife, Patsy.

58- A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, created by Dean Regan in 1991, is a musical tribute which showcases her life and music.

59- Jack sees him on his security camera and when Patsy finds him, thinking he is an adult, she brings him back to the Mall.

60- US$80 million ($403 million in 2005) in damage was reported to have been caused by Patsy, though the total was likely higher.

61- A speech by Hawaii delegate Patsy Mink persuaded two-thirds of the party to keep their progressive stance on the issue.

62- Larry has the circus perform for the children so that he can ‘break Patsy out’, when Patsy lets Larry know how Susan feels about him.

63- Douglas regarded the bed-wetting hypothesis as so unprecedented as to verge on absurdity and furthermore inconsistent with Patsy’s established behavior.

64- When an African-American construction worker threatens to phone the police, Patsy makes a ” Ralph Bunche ” reference and beats him with a scaffolding pole.

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