patsy in a sentence

Use ‘patsy’ in a sentence | ‘patsy’ example sentences

1- Patsy was naturally selected as the target.

2- Tommy Patsy departed within half an hour.

3- Patsy flees through bushes in a ravine behind the club.

4- Patsy made landfall four times, three as a tropical system.

5- Patsy’s eyes shone at the excitement.

6- Patsy herself slept in a small room beyond the kitchen.

7- Patsy had tied a nice red cushion to it.

8- Patsy Montana (1908–1996).

9- So Patsy tried dipping it in cold tea first.

10- Will Patsy pass out in her own vomit?

11- Patsy was a retired inspector for the USDA.

12- Patsy followed her out, bringing some dishes.

13- Patsy was horrified when he saw his sister’s hair.

14- Patsy started coming to a day class with twelve others.

15- Patsy was full of life, as I remember.

16- The kids are a perfect pair of patsies .

17- Back to the totally innocent patsy hypothesis?

18- Patsy Garrett (born 1921), actress.

19- The greatest laugh they enjoyed was pretending Patsy was a little girl.

20- The Home Staff: Patsy says thanks.

21- I am so sick of you arrogant patsy fans .

22- Very soon, there stood Patsy in the doorway.

23- Patsy and I corresponded over a period of four months.

24- Patsyits tough to say here, Patsy .

25- Yeah, the patsy thing is so obvious.

26- She seems to be close to new nurse Patsy .

27- Patsy signed with Decca at her first opportunity three years later .

28- Even Patsy didn’t seem convinced that all was well.

29- You guys are happy to be the patsies .

30- This constant persecution only served to throw Ellie and Patsy together.

31- His promotion irked Patsy , who had seniority.

32- You are the patsy in the game.

33- I’m sick of being a patsy !

34- The exhibition was curated by Patsy Hely.

35- The family moved often before settling in Winchester when Patsy was 8.

36- Patsy Kensit plays ward sister Faye Morton.

37- Either is handy for a ‘ patsy ‘.

38- He hardly noticed Patsy , who had come back in.

39- And hopefully Miss Patsy who came with me last year.

40- King Arthur and Patsy promptly set off in search of Jews. @metromorning saw kd lang in her patsy cline days @ brunswick in ’84.

41- In character as Patsy Stone from ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ the whole time if at all possible.

42- Sam Lawson Turner was born on February 29, 1952 in Perryton, Texas to Kenneth and Patsy Turner.

43- Silvio approaches Tony about Patsy feeling marginalized by Chris’ promotion.

44- Three people (Coll gangsters Patsy Del Greco, Fiorio Basile, and bystander Emily Torrizello) were killed.

45- Giving up an annual salary of in excess of HK$ 10 million, Ma joined the government Nickkita Lau, Patsy Moy & BonnieChen (25 June 2008).

46- Cline eventually had her first major hit with ” Walkin’ After Midnight ” in 1957, which is the key reason why Songs by Patsy Cline was released.

47- She dresses modestly and almost always behaves responsibly; as a result, many unpleasant chores come her way, and she frequently must rescue Patsy and Eddy from sticky situations.

48- He was given his lifelong nickname, Patsy, while at Eton.

49- Comparison of John and Patsy Ramsey’s Handwriting to the JonBenet Ramsey Ransom Note.

50- She is a nurse by training, but we see her in this role only once in the series when Patsy is living in New York.

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