patrons in a sentence 2

Use ‘patrons’ in a sentence | ‘patrons’ example sentences

51- environmentFriday’s victims were sports fans, concertgoers, and restaurant patrons.

52- At the heritage festival, patrons were asked to donate unused food tickets.

53- Traffic wasn’t much better for patrons waiting to be dropped off at the gate.

54- Streetside patio: Private use by patrons of applicant (bar, restaurant, café).

55- The two thought the patrons next door must be screaming at a scary movie scene.

56- One more week of Christmas Patrons will be charged only on Saturdays and Sundays.

57- When Union Drinkery opens, patrons will be able to order from Small Fry’s menu there.

58- In “Jurassic World,” velociraptors are trained for the entertainment of park patrons.

59- Actually, the last time school district patrons approved a bus bond issue was in 2003.

60- 583966Regular patrons have created a diverse, friendly community of locals and expats.

61- The district says it is acting in due diligence to protect the district and the patrons.

62- Some 180,000 patrons were expected through the gates over three public days of the event.

63- 553733Patrons submitted the bottle caps for on-site prizes and entry into the grand draw.

64- 553730Patrons are encouraged to buy tickets in advance through the Sistic ticketing site.

65- And yes, museum galas are absolutely an opportunity for patrons to break out their ballgowns.

66- These patrons want their already donated works and future gifts to be exhibited appropriately.

67- He says police do not know if any of the estimated 300 patrons in the movie theater were armed.

68- They account for the majority of patrons in the upmarket restaurants popping up across the city.

69- 553734Patrons will have the opportunity to learn about the play prior to viewing the production.

70- Such tombs are sometimes built in advance, according to those familiar with the cemetery’s patrons.

71- When the disturbances began some store owners attempted to close, but some patrons refused to leave.

72- The list of patrons boasts a former prime minister, celebrated artists and high-profile journalists.

73- This project had an unexpected spin-off effect for Ward’s market in that wealthy agriculturalists became private patrons.

74- The lab is open to all library patrons.

75- The Maxine Elliot housed approximately 935 patrons.

76- In 1894, Loomis constructed an open-air stage there, which attracted many patrons.

77- His works were painted in a very realistic style, and he had many students and patrons.

78- Today some cities still have clubs where female employees can be hired to dance with patrons.

79- The sale of his work did not provide enough to live on and he depended on the generosity of patrons.

80- He imagines female patrons of the supermarket stopped in time, allowing him to undress and draw them.

81- Players can also buy advertisements and must work against competitors who are trying to lure away patrons.

82- Page 49. * There are three saints in the Christian church that are closely associated with libraries as patrons.

83- In February, 2011, the District become the first library in the region to offer eBook readers to patrons for check-out.

84- Local men who frequented the brothels mainly consisted of single men; laws restricting the patrons weren’t always enforced.

85- William Pickering, bookseller, of 57 Chancery Lane, gave him the benefit of his long experience, and introduced him to many wealthy patrons.

86- February 13, 1966, pg B14 After this, Ritter had a sufficient number of patrons to support his lifestyle without the need for gallery showings.

87- Shelves of books face the street, and patrons are asked to drop coins into the door’s coinbox to pay for any books they take whenever the store is closed.

88- He exposed the machinations of the papists, showed the danger of Quakerism, vindicated the rights of patrons against the triers, and discussed the right limits of the Sabbath.

89- Many African artists throughout the years have established themselves with more of a regional reputation, attracting patrons of their craft, who wish to procure commissioned work.

90- This new avenue has provided more opportunities for the horsemen and patrons alike.

91- They also played a major role as patrons of education and urban development in Dhaka.

92- Over 23,000 patrons within the Huntley Area Public Library District have library cards.

93- A self check out system is used to allow patrons to check out items even when the library is not staffed.

94- They have since been joined by a Board of Trustees and a group of Patrons who lend a hand whenever possible.

95- Bigger, more exciting rides and games from England, Europe and the United States delighted showground patrons.

96- The grand opening was held on August 26, 1926, and the Ambassador welcomed 2.6 million patrons in its first year.

97- Library patrons attempting to access pro-gun web sites were blocked, and the library refused to remove the blocks.

98- In 1710 he came to England with his uncle, and his vedute of ruins and architecture (capricci) found many patrons.

99- The Main library’s phone number is 309-732-READ, which was designed so patrons would be unable to forget the number.

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