patrons in a sentence

Use ‘patrons’ in a sentence | ‘patrons’ example sentences

1- Build strong market positions among the local patrons .

2- The rural location attracted little attention for patrons .

3- The bomb went off, injuring several patrons .

4- Last year our show attendance neared 1200 patrons .

5- The rest of the patrons are mostly coarse older men.

6- Friday night patrons are also treated to karaoke.

7- Some of the patrons were getting annoyed.

8- The show is open to patrons 18 and older.

9- The rest of the patrons were women.

10- Yanukovych had influential patrons who turned him around.

11- This fact also points to wealthy patrons .

12- They were also great patrons of music.

13- Provide front line customer service by distributing sports equipment to patrons .

14- Their main goal is to catch patrons who intentionally evade fare.

15- Chola rulers were active patrons of the arts.

16- Many patrons were beaten by police in riot gear.

17- Several patrons describe their own encounters with strange bird behavior.

18- He often was arrogant and selfish toward friends and patrons .

19- Buy patrons had no difficulty reaching the minimum spending.

20- Haunted attractions are entertainment venues designed to thrill and scare patrons .

21- Library patrons buy a lot of books .

22- They are classified as patrons or supporters.

23- The place had several patrons , but was comfortably full.

24- The Dining car could accommodate 36 patrons .

25- Some bars cater specifically to Bear patrons .

26- That is, patrons operated as sponsors.

27- The university library system averages 2.3 million patrons each year.

28- The Crystal Cruise line certainly has loyal patrons .

29- So far, 32 patrons have used the resource.

30- Eligible patrons will be able to order priority registration online.

31- Moreover, the patrons invested heavily in glass.

32- Reservations are necessary, as seating is limited to 24 patrons .

33- Fewer and fewer patrons were coming to fill the empty seats.

34- The patrons cheered their departure and raised glasses in salute.

35- The patrons rose to new heights of glee.

36- Colonial religious art was sponsored by Church authorities and private patrons .

37- The best informed and most active patrons lived during this century.

38- The way patrons use library buildings is also changing.

39- The assistance of professional library staff is also valued by patrons .

40- It created its regular patrons from the best powers. Many of the patrons of this fine establishment are famous celebrities.

41- In Ghana, rural mothers often send their daughters to work for wealthy patrons in the cities.

42- In 1995, the number 1 food choice among U.S. restaurant patrons was hamburgers.

43- The owner of a tavern in Ohio invented the cash register in 1879 to stop his patrons from stealing his profits.

44- In 1895, New York State established free public baths that were open 14 hours a day, providing patrons with hot and cold water.

45- In the state of Queensland, Australia, it is still the law that all pubs must have a railing outside for patrons to tie up their horse.

46- Police say that patrons that are lined up outside bars often create a nuisance for neighbors when they fight, break bottles or make noise.

47- In the state of Queensland, Australia, it is still constitutional law that all pubs must have a railing outside for patrons to tie up their horse.

48- The most popular food choice among U.S. restaurant patrons in 1995 was hamburgers, despite trends to cut back on beef consumption.

49- Among the patrons of music in the 1600s and 1700s could be found popes, emperors, kings of England and Spain and rulers of smaller Italian and German entities.

50- patternAmong the patrons of music in the 1600s and 1700s could be found popes, emperors, kings of England and Spain and rulers of smaller Italian and German entities.

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