patiently in a sentence 2

Use ‘patiently’ in a sentence | ‘patiently’ example sentences

50- Thou art patiently awaiting the moment to manifest through the silence of sublime nature.

51- In his three-plus seasons and three trips down to the D League, he has patiently watched and learned.

52- “Since the election (in May), I’ve been patiently meeting with European leaders across the continent.

53- He also expressed his condolences to Bhutto’s family and called for all political parties in Pakistan to solve matters patiently.

54- Highly impressed with his pupil’s work, Masamune lowered his sword, the Yawarakai-Te (Tender Hands / 柔らかい手), into the current and waited patiently.

55- Cicalo worked patiently with the Monkees, and their producer Chip Douglas (himself a first-time producer), and the album came together as the band learned about making records.

56- To endure patiently, to suffer without a complaint, and to trouble no one.

57- “Maude,” the gentle horse, was standing patiently beside the overturned sled, also still alive.

58- Each programme, just 15 minutes long, focuses on just one thing, quite patiently, without dawdling.

59- Chopra also played patiently and showed no sign of nerves, cover driving Bracken and Gillespie with some good timing.

60- Gwen patiently explains, but with no detail, it is little surprise that Marnie still has a problem with her mom’s order.

61- Mrs. Rice, Moody’s homeroom teacher, patiently answers Moody’s questions concerning Emmett Till and the NAACP after slight apprehension.

62- Frank must now return to England, and he tells Dolores he must go but will return for her if she waits patiently.

63- Clarify * Javert follows Valjean through the sewers, whereas in the book he stands near the only other exit of the sewer patiently.

64- Their foes were wealthy and powerful, with the financial ability to lock out the miners, and to close down operations while patiently awaiting the arrival of soldiers.

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