patiently in a sentence

Use ‘patiently’ in a sentence | ‘patiently’ example sentences

1- The youngest is patiently waiting her turn.

2- The standby vessel circled patiently half a mile away.

3- Our friends sat in the kitchen patiently waiting.

4- The slave is patiently kneeling and holding a towel.

5- Ella had patiently waited where she had last seen her family.

6- My aunt had already cut them and was waiting patiently !

7- We must bear this state of things patiently .

8- Scott was very articulate and answered all questions patiently .

9- They explained the sightseeing place very extensive and patiently .

10- Neil patiently waited until the right moments to move.

11- Ash waits patiently in his viewing post.

12- To diminish patiently like the white cliffs!

13- In spiritual things we must learn to wait patiently .

14- While we were patiently sweating in line .

15- Some are waiting patiently until they are needed or required .

16- I watched the gorgeous trailer and patiently awaited more information .

17- He nodded at the guard waiting patiently outside.

18- The reader is asked to patiently analyze the recently gathered evidence.

19- He sat there patiently behind the lens.

20- Antony still stood patiently in the background.

21- The poor boy has been waiting, so patiently .

22- Instead , they wait patiently between attacks.

23- I ‘ll often wait patiently for simulations.

24- Answer my questions patiently , giving comprehensive information.

25- Myles stood over him, waiting patiently .

26- We congratulate him and patiently await his return!

27- Delaney patiently waited while the operator re-established the link.

28- Ida and her team patiently educated plus so much more.

29- He waited patiently for her to begin.

30- She is patiently awaiting our arrival as well!

31- I am still waiting somewhat patiently , for the tree kit.

32- They sat and stood patiently awaiting the services to begin.

33- Still hundreds more wait patiently to get onto his schedule.

34- Derry patiently waiting for me to finish.

35- Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.

36- I sat waiting patiently for the wedding to end.

37- Yet how patiently it was borne for years!

38- Do you smile patiently or fight back?

39- Death is patiently making my mask as I sleep. He was patiently digging for facts.

40- He was angry, but he listened to me patiently.

41- In spite of his anger, he listened to me patiently.

42- The children waited patiently for the show to begin.

43- The priest listened patiently to the old woman’s confession.

44- There is a Dutch proverb which says to bear patiently that which you suffer by your own fault.

45- Mastering facts patiently is far more necessary for them than learning expressive and critical skills.

46- Refusing to be Blackmailed For his part, Schäuble listened patiently.

47- He stood patiently in the crowd to hear Obama and remembered the day 50 years ago.

48- And this little girl, no more than seven years old, just sat patiently, and waited.

49- Lexi the golden labrador is waiting patiently for a fresh fall of snow in Portadown.

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