passageways in a sentence

Use ‘passageways’ in a sentence | ‘passageways’ example sentences

1- Such passageways are sometimes inside buildings leading to secret rooms.

2- Other circular muscles move substances through passageways in the body.

3- Ion channels provide passageways through which ions can move.

4- There are narrow passageways and a central square.

5- The flashlight illuminated a labyrinth of limestone passageways .

6- The tunnels have walkways and vehicle passageways .

7- It is safer to take underground passageways at busy intersections.

8- Lancet arches abound throughout the passageways in the courtyard.

9- Thus, the rectal and urinary passageways become separated.

10- Here, bays and canyons are like passageways .

11- There was silence in the passageways behind her.

12- These are allowed in through little passageways or holes called stomata.

13- passageways to aircraft have no air conditioning.

14- Yet this was no easy fight through the chambers and passageways .

15- The oil attracts the built up fluid from the filled passageways .

16- Narrow passageways lead to the side entrances of the concert hall.

17- By contrast the curved passageways have the aura of secret spaces.

18- More than 2,000 shops and 40 cinemas line the passageways .

19- Leaven notices numbers inscribed in the passageways between rooms.

20- Continue through narrow mountain passageways to historic Roger’s Pass.

21- The pipes connecting flats and underground plumbing created passageways for the pests .

22- Peppermint tea also helps open up the sinus passageways .

23- There, the teams find sets of mirrors and numerous dark passageways .

24- It consists entirely of four tiers of rooms, chambers and passageways .

25- The flames spread quickly filling the passageways of the ship with smoke.

26- The bridge was built with numerous passageways and compartments in its anchorage.

27- Oviducts serve as passageways from ovaries to uterus.

28- All three gates have massive towers linked by curtain walls above the passageways .

29- These passageways are often opened by pulling a disguised lever or lock mechanism.

30- They often cause sneezing and can affect one or both nasal passageways .

31- There must be secret passageways and entrances out of Templecombe.

32- The spirits of the Templars wander its passageways and galleries.

33- This herb also soothes the nasal passageways and heals inflammations.

34- Second floor restaurants and retailers connected to these passageways are open on weekdays.

35- passageways is a strategic alliance provider of CUNA Strategic Services.

36- Black smoke enveloped the rear passageways , where fans were trying to escape.

37- Horseradish root is a well known herbal cure for clearing the sinus passageways .

38- By 1657 the Kharkiv settlement already had a fortress with underground passageways .

39- FLOODED passageways : Swim to the right.

40- passageways between exits are very spacious and some are beginning to open as malls. The burial chambers contained within the pyramids are connected by a maze of passageways, including dead-ends designed to foil grave robbers.

41- But there are already more than 3,000 living in inhumane conditions in the station’s passageways.

42- There is also nasal endoscopy, wherein a tube is inserted through the nose with a small camera to view the passageways and examine any irregularities in the nose structure.

43- The main public rooms were on the promenade deck, a large lounge forward being extended the whole width of the ship so there were no passageways either side.

44- Ion channels provide passageways through which ions can move.

45- Three-way ball valves come with a T- or L- shaped fluid passageways inside the rotor.

46- Frederick Bourne had his castle constructed with secret passageways so that he could spy on his guests.

47- The bronchi branch into smaller and smaller passageways until they terminate in tiny air sacs called alveoli.

48- This has only two pairs of parallel passageways, one for each branch, with a small side passage on each leading to the lower platforms.

49- Several narrow alleys and passageways connect the Kramgasse to the parallel Rathausgasse in the north and the Münstergasse in the south.

50- As a mouse, he moves at top speed, enters tiny passageways, talks to other mice, and can more easily avoid attacks due to his small size.

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