particularly in a sentence 3

Use ‘particularly’ in a sentence | ‘particularly’ example sentences

101- This opposition is particularly pronounced towards Muslim immigrants.

102- And that is mistaken, particularly with respect to the United States.

103- No one in the convoy seems particularly nervous about being arrested.

104- Neither prospect is particularly appetizing, for Europe or for Greece.

105- But don’t buy playoff tickets yet, particularly in the tough NFC West.

106- 698127The community of Coal City, Illinois was particularly hard hit.

107- particularly as this is the voice of one of the pioneers of the gang.”

108- 876737Two Wisconsin 5th graders were particularly determined to help.

109- In the United States, small producers have been hit particularly hard.

110- The second new theory is poor sanitation, particularly open defecation.

111- This is a product that is neither very effective nor particularly safe.

112- Still, Clinton remains relatively popular, particularly with Democrats.

113- Also, you can control what gets added to the beans (particularly salt).

114- That kind of challenge makes Tembo particularly satisfying and intense.

115- Sales have not been particularly robust, and competition has stiffened.

116- But many others – particularly recent tech IPOs – haven’t been so lucky.

117- The children of Florida deserve better than that, particularly this mom.

118- Dufty doesn’t sound particularly impressed by the town hall idea either.

119- Mercury can damage immune and nervous systems, particularly in children.

120- It has also triggered greater demand for forex, particularly of dollars.

121- 915601We respect England and particularly their attack,”” Rogers said.”

122- “This is particularly true when their parents are more anxious than them.

123- These are strong growth rates, particularly in a tough operating climate.

124- Chess is a truly special and magical game, particularly for young people.

125- 691208The California market is particularly tough to become a homeowner.

126- But it was fishing, particularly saltwater fishing, that was his passion.

127- Berlin is particularly keen to avoid any mention of debt relief in a deal.

128- This BPM is a particularly urgent season for grassroots action and change.

129- Clinton seemed particularly interested in — and irritated by — Fox News.

130- Researchers in the current British study have set a particularly high bar.

131- “There is a view of the cost of ‘my time’, particularly with sole traders.

132- Rensin sees nothing particularly new about online abuse directed at women.

133- The UK audit firm’s new study says German firms have suffered particularly.

134- 875364Two debates that have played out online particularly trouble Steinem.

135- We are committed to maintaining a strong presence, particularly in the Gulf.

136- Thanks to a long coastline, seafood, and particularly shellfish, is popular.

137- The camera’s low resolution is particularly noticeable when cropping photos.

138- The campaign also took on an aggressive turn, particularly in its last week.

139- The models have never handled this type of storm particularly well, he said.

140- Please share with us a patient’s story that has particularly stuck with you.

141- Among high school dropouts, the state of women’s health is particularly dire.

142- Boston’s transit system, the nation’s oldest, has been particularly hard hit.

143- The ongoing Greek drama hurt stocks around the world, particularly in Europe.

144- But the retailer wasn’t particularly successful in driving that foot traffic.

145- The cyclone-battered western state of Rakhine has been particularly hard hit.

146- The fight against AQ, particularly AQ senior leadership, has been successful.

147- New construction is needed, particularly at the low and middle end, said Hale.

148- It was also particularly sweet because of something I said eight years before.

149- The latter is a particularly welcome addition for such an inexpensive product.

150- Managing this refugee crisis is particularly complex for a variety of reasons.

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