Use ‘particularly’ in a sentence | ‘particularly’ example sentences
1- The area around fish camp is particularly diverse regarding animal life.
2- The middle marble slab is particularly interesting.
3- particularly important changes among water beetles are known.
4- The trend is particularly prevalent among migratory birds.
5- The auto progress has been particularly encouraging.
6- The disguised lease costs discriminate particularly against more elderly entrants.
7- The federal science function is particularly vulnerable.
8- This unemployment occurred particularly among young workers.
9- This skin condition is particularly common among children.
10- The decorated silver ear trumpet is particularly fascinating.
11- The 50 multiple choice bar exam questions are particularly difficult.
12- It is particularly difficult during rainy periods.
13- The native red squirrel is particularly elusive.
14- The daily inequality between low waters is particularly marked.
15- The last category has proven particularly contentious.
16- The reasonable adjustment duty is particularly important.
17- This last manufacturer is particularly noteworthy here.
18- In many regions weather was particularly stormy.
19- particularly worth mentioning here are “1.
20- Two particularly important research projects are worth highlighting.
21- It is gaining popularity particularly among wild hog hunters.
22- These close contacts are particularly common during animal transport.
23- particularly affected areas include rural areas lacking medical facilities.
24- The 1985 supplemental draft was particularly controversial.
25- Its hearing is neither particularly acute nor poor.
26- One particularly controversial issue is affirmative action.
27- Soccer is very popular particularly among children.
28- particularly old groundwater is called fossil water.
29- An “outside passed pawn” is particularly deadly.
30- The traditional huge monthly information pack is particularly criticised.
31- A particularly promising application is optical phase conjugation.
32- He was particularly successful against leading batsmen.
33- It is considered particularly effective against altitude sickness.
34- Washington state has been particularly hard hit .
35- They are particularly common around large metropolitan areas .
36- Chinese financial stocks were particularly hard hit .
37- One particularly convenient solution is park assist .
38- He said loan demand has been particularly strong among government contractors .
39- This is particularly important given congressional concerns .
40- The local banking sector has been hit particularly hard . Larger groups may assemble at particularly abundant feeding grounds.
41- This ubiquitous enzyme is particularly abundant in the liver.
42- particularly suitable for people with ear and neck abrasion problems.
43- particularly suited to people who have pillow abrasion problems.
44- There are numerous statutory abrogations of the right, particularly in the area of bankruptcy.
45- Kane says it was particularly useful for illuminating the abdominal cavity .
46- Lungs and the abdominal cavity , which contain air, are particularly injured.
47- I don’t particularly like her.
48- He particularly liked history.
49- He is particularly kind to her.
50- I love Nara, particularly in the fall.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
particularity – particularization – particularizations – particularize – particularized – particularizes – particularizing – particularly – particulars – particulate – particulates – partied – parties – parting – partings –
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