parasitic in a sentence 2

Use ‘parasitic’ in a sentence | ‘parasitic’ example sentences

51- Bilharzias, or snail fever, is a parasitic disease caused by several species of trematodes ( platyhelminth infection, or “flukes”), a parasitic worm of the genus Schistosoma.

52- Trichogramma evanescens is a parasitic wasp of Lepidoptera eggs.

53- When a slug-creature exits from the dust, the gang realizes the man was actually a parasitic host.

54- “Colony takeover by a socially parasitic ant, Polyergus breviceps: the role of chemicals obtained during host queen killing”.

55- For 11 years, he served first as a consultant and later as an expert in parasitic diseases for the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

56- In an example of a parasitic element that is not rod-shaped, a parasitic microstrip patch antenna is sometimes mounted above another driven patch antenna.

57- Since pregnant or lactating dogs and cats and their offspring have the highest, active parasitic load, these animals should be placed on a deworming program.

58- “Dominguez,” Samuel R, Levin Myron J, “Chapter 41. Infections: parasitic & Mycotic” (Chapter).

59- Laveraniina (Haemospororina) is a defunct suborder of parasitic protozoa in the phylum Apicomplexia not widely used.

60- The provincial symbolic flower is the Bua Phut ( Rafflesia kerrii ), a parasitic plant with one of the biggest flowers of all plants.

61- There are 138 species worldwide and 4 species which occur in Tasmania, all of which are parasitic.

62- See recommendations in The Medical Letter (Drugs for parasitic Infections) for complete information.

63- B. idiomorpha and Leptacanthichthys gracilispinis are the only oneirodids known to have parasitic males.

64- She had four arms and four legs, resulting from a joining at the pelvis with a headless undeveloped parasitic twin.

65- “Oculophryxus bicaulis, a new genus and species of dajid isopod parasitic on the euphausiid Stylocheiron affine Hansen”.

66- Briefly: * The Lagenidiales are the most primitive; some are filamentous, others unicellular; they are generally parasitic.

67- R. arnoldii is a parasitic plant on Tetrastigma vine, which grows only in primary rainforests with no visible leaves, roots, or stem.

68- Like non-parasitic bumble bee queens, female Psithyrus find suitable locations to spend the winter and enter diapause upon being mated.

69- They feed primarily on plankton, including euphausiids, copeopods, and a form of amphipod that are parasitic to jellyfish gonadal pouches.

70- Because Androlaelaps casalis mites also feed of parasitic mites like Dermanyssus gallinae, individuals with red colored abdomens can be found.

71- Kamal 2006, pp. 483-484 Because parasitic worms often induce Th2 cells and lead to suppressed Th1 cells, problems arise when Th1 cells are needed.

72- Powell (2009), p. 199 Parasitism There are over 1000 known species of beetles to be either parasitic, predatory, or commensals in the nests of ants.

73- Several cases have been described where infection with a parasitic castrator causes the host to change its behavior in ways that benefit the parasite.

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