Use ‘parasitic’ in a sentence | ‘parasitic’ example sentences
1- Five parasitic common buy levitra online cheap.
2- Such oscillations are sometimes called parasitic oscillations.
3- This parasitic disease is very common amongst freshly imported ornamental fish.
4- Tiny parasitic wasps and predatory insects provide common natural controls.
5- At least 20 subsidiary or parasitic cones are known.
6- The binder prevents parasitic current flow through the powdered metal.
7- These ” parasitic ” systems produce no electricity.
8- Children are notorious for having parasitic problems.
9- The mucus specimen is examined for significant parasitic existence.
10- Ricardo argued that the renting class was parasitic .
11- These species are the only parasitic mammals.
12- All the other elements are considered ” parasitic “.
13- Many species are parasitic on birds and transmit infection.
14- The beetles are clearly parasitic on the system.
15- In addition, a parasitic load is needed.
16- This subsequently created two minor parasitic lava domes 200,000 years ago.
17- This causes a parasitic lasing phenomena called “laser snow”.
18- Many technoecosystems are competitive and parasitic toward natural ecosystems.
19- A parasitic twin is actually rarer than conjoined twins .
20- How did human parasitic worms survive the great deluge?
21- Not a parasitic business transaction that is more common these days.
22- All of these parasitic diseases have life cycles.
23- Gone also are the parasitic little digital clocks and power supplies.
24- This helps the parasitic queen remain accepted by the host colony.
25- At cruise, the power requirement is dominated by parasitic power.
26- Certain parasitic liver diseases may be risk factors as well.
27- Together, they form a large parasitic plug.
28- The gain increases with the number of parasitic elements used.
29- It provides the theories with some parasitic scientific credibility.
30- Generally, emotional distress damages had to be parasitic .
31- Each parasitic worm resembles the name they have been given.
32- These are cocoons filled with small parasitic wasps.
33- The growing parasitic larvae soon inactivate the male.
34- In certain ceratioids, parasitic reproduction is required.
35- parasitic C reduces transformer high frequency response.
36- The infection is caused by parasitic microorganisms living on surface skin cells.
37- Shorter wires also reduce power consumption by producing less parasitic capacitance.
38- Eosinophils directly fight parasitic infections and are involved in allergic reactions.
39- The world’s leading cause of gastrointestinal blood loss is parasitic infestation.
40- There are already far to many parasitic , leech democrats here. The parasitic wasp can kill aphids and other pests, like the emerald ash borer.
41- Avermectin has also been shown to efficiently fight against other parasitic diseases.
42- parasitic fish swarm the shark’s body, feeding off debris on its belly and its giant spotted coat.
43- Matthew Laurens This is the first known case of parasitic cells mutating to cause cancerous growths.
44- On Monday, three scientists shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work on parasitic diseases.
45- Willow Springs Water Park is now closed ; it was linked with another case of parasitic amebic meningoencephalitis in 2010.
46- Helixanthera schizocalyx, which reaches a height of 50cm, is hairless and parasitic.
47- Solar cell Main article: Solar cell The equivalent circuit of a solar cell; parasitic resistances are ignored in the discussion of the text.
48- In fecal transplantation, donor stool is collected from a close relative who has been tested for a wide array of bacterial, viral, and parasitic pathogens.
49- An n-parasitic number (in base 10) is a positive natural number which can be multiplied by n by moving the rightmost digit of its decimal representation to the front.
50- A frog dying from chytrid -infection, a human spread parasitic fungus Since many herps are nocturnal, herpers often remove animals temporarily for daylight photo sessions.
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