Use ‘paraphernalia’ in a sentence | ‘paraphernalia’ example sentences
49- Green army uniforms were in abundance, as were all sorts of Mao portraits, Little Red Books, and other paraphernalia.
50- In 1448, he was back in Mainz, where he took out a loan from his brother-in-law Arnold Gelthus, quite possibly for a printing press or related paraphernalia.
51- As you pass along this stretch of track, the exact position of the station is coincident with a widening of the track-side paraphernalia, most defined on the eastern track edge.
52- Possession of smoking paraphernalia is also a criminal offence in Queensland.
53- He enjoys gambling and can be summoned with offerings of poker chips, or other gambling paraphernalia.
54- Modern absinthiana As absinthe has reemerged on the market so has the paraphernalia associated with it.
55- Kyle goes to Channard’s house to speak with him, and discovers Channard’s “treasure room” of Cenobite-related paraphernalia.
56- Roleplaying games, and all the paraphernalia that go with them, must still be unfamiliar to the average citizen of this land.
57- Spending summers in Provincetown, Gibran and his wife opened a boutique called paraphernalia.
58- ” Apart from the gripe sessions and bloodletting rites, the Magdalo group’s preparations included the acquisition of rebel paraphernalia.
59- Singer Enright performs in his characteristic wings, while feathers, balloons, hearts, bubbles, and other paraphernalia float upwards as if by magic.
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