Use ‘paraphernalia’ in a sentence | ‘paraphernalia’ example sentences
1- The biggest sign of drug use is paraphernalia .
2- The castle was thoroughly looted of armour and royal paraphernalia .
3- The office exhibits paraphernalia associated with writing. .
4- There was drug paraphernalia all over the house.
5- Sometimes the paraphernalia is what makes an activity extra fun.
6- Toys, clothes and baby paraphernalia are strewn around the room.
7- Quality was certainly not in the paraphernalia .
8- He lists knives , guns, gang paraphernalia and homemade objects.
9- Gabasa was charged with possession of illegal drug paraphernalia .
10- Police say the evidence included heroin , drug paraphernalia and marijuana.
11- Let alone the video games, play stations and other paraphernalia .
12- Curse the drug war and all its ” paraphernalia .
13- Most of those seeking Hamilton ‘s signature wore Rangers paraphernalia .
14- A family of then 10,800 limited degrees are met each paraphernalia .
15- The vendors of football paraphernalia are complaining that nobody is buying any.
16- These pilgrimages were typically low-key and avoided military symbolism or paraphernalia .
17- What is certain is that the horseman’s paraphernalia was extensive.
18- More folk tramp along the sandy track with their paraphernalia .
19- Shamans may have various kinds of paraphernalia in different cultures.
20- The band set up its paraphernalia , eight speakers in all.
21- Back to Flag, where we begin to assemble hiking paraphernalia .
22- Apparently, no drugs or paraphernalia were found in her home.
23- Within hours, the paraphernalia of their lives began to appear.
24- This is marijuana paraphernalia related question.
25- He arrayed his paraphernalia on the table.
26- Tim Livingood runs one of many websites that sell certification paraphernalia .
27- DCS observed marijuana, drug paraphernalia and alcohol in the room.
28- And She is very, very important necessary paraphernalia in our worship.
29- The new law similarly reduces penalties for the possession of marijuana paraphernalia .
30- Garner will call for a boycott of convenience stores selling drug paraphernalia .
31- Naturally, SWAT paraphernalia and weapons captivate the kids.
32- If paraphernalia was free of charge.
33- The procession includes all the paraphernalia as in a Muslim marriage.
34- Associated paraphernalia (e.g. first day covers) were also available.
35- Canon is not losing sight of the bread-and-butter paraphernalia , however.
36- Possession of smoking paraphernalia is also a criminal offence in Queensland.
37- The head shops and other sellers of paraphernalia challenged them in court.
38- This means that reading the discs requires the paraphernalia of a computer. An Indian child could conjure up cricket paraphernalia from anywhere.
39- Students were searched and UPD confiscated marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
40- No drugs are allowed at the home, but police found drug paraphernalia at the site.
41- He was arrested in November on a charge of possession of drug paraphernalia, records show.
42- Police found drug paraphernalia in several units, as well as evidence of drug sales and use.
43- Kemp is also suspected of being in violation of his parole in possession of drug paraphernalia.
44- It might not contribute to GDP as would the purchase of commercial substitutes and paraphernalia.
45- Following several weeks buildup of paraphernalia selling, the “F1” event stretches over three days.
46- ” The magazine’s website sells paraphernalia bearing its logo and/or phrases related to the magazine itself and to the liberal consumption of alcohol.
47- The power back on his back supplies power to his weapons and paraphernalia.
48- All music became desi and marga music passed into oblivion as did the madhyamagrama and its paraphernalia.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
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