parameter in a sentence 2

Use ‘parameter’ in a sentence | ‘parameter’ example sentences

51- Unlike an oscilloscope, these instruments automatically generate stimulus or sweep a measurement parameter.

52- NEF is an exponential family in which the natural parameter and the natural statistic T(x) are both the identity.

53- The y-parameters of the combined network are found by matrix addition of the two individual y-parameter matrices.

54- The older models were marked “AL XXX”; it is the same marking, but only one number is used for parameter description.

55- On graphs of bounded pathwidth, this approach leads to fixed-parameter tractable algorithms, parametrized by the pathwidth.

56- A 2-parameter family had been constructed the previous year, before which only a finite number of 5-dimensional examples were known.

57- The maximum impact parameter is the largest distance between two particles such that their trajectories are unaltered by the collision.

58- She is revived by Lilo’s companion from the asteroid, and parameter/Solstice, a human-Symb pair Lilo had entrusted with the location of the clone.

59- “Texas Red, a hydrophilic, red-emitting fluorophore for use with fluorescein in dual parameter flow microfluorometric and fluorescence microscopic studies”.

60- Sequence and picture parameter sets can be sent well ahead of the VCL NAL units that they apply to, and can be repeated to provide robustness against data loss.

61- In such phases, the order parameter may take the form of a complex number, a vector, or even a tensor, the magnitude of which goes to zero at the phase transition.

62- The “classic” biomarker in medicine is a laboratory parameter that the doctor can use to help make decisions in making a diagnosis and selecting a course of treatment.

63- This is probably also depending on the strength of the feedback parameter and a good solution to this problem is to switch algorithm when the error reaches its minimum.

64- Unreferenced Core power is a parameter used in aeroengine performance engineering to enable a comparison of the power capabilities of jet engine (e.g. turbofan ) cores.

65- Bell formalized the idea of a hidden variable by introducing the parameter λ to locally characterize measurement results on each system: “It is a matter of indifference..

66- Axelrod 1984, p. 174. Even when the discount parameter ω is high enough to permit reciprocal cooperation there is still a question of whether and how cooperation might start.

67- The period of suspension is set to by the one byte parameter.

68- There are specific SPC tools that use parameter based measurements (e.

69- The value θ 0 is unknown and is referred to as the “true value” of the parameter.

70- ; R ms : Units are not usually given for this parameter, but it is in mechanical ‘ohms’.

71- Graphs can be used to show instantly how results are changed by changes in parameter values.

72- Therefore, a crucial design parameter is the location of the eigenvalues, or closed-loop poles.

73- E.g., one value of the parameter may be more likely than another, given the outcome of the sample.

74- Numerous procedures have been developed for parameter estimation and inference in linear regression.

75- There are 16 general parameter registers (GPRM) to hold temporary values and 24 system parameters (SPRM).

76- Summary 1000 points of fractional Brownian Motion with Hurst parameter 0.75, generated by Richard G. Clegg.

77- All OSWORD calls bear a parameter block used to send and receive multiple data, passed into the X and Y registers.

78- A “macro” is essentially a short piece of text that expands into a longer one, possibly with parameter substitution.

79- The hidden parameter permits, for example, a file I/O gate to contain the address or handle of the file control block.

80- Name parameters like the Boolean parameter in the example are a property of the attribute and should be a constant value.

81- The Airy disk can be an important parameter in limiting the ability of an imaging system to resolve closely located objects.

82- We may define a parameter family of functions on the curve, namely : This family is called the family of distance squared functions.

83- “Thymidine kinase (TK) activity as a prognostic parameter of survival in lymphoma patients”.

84- To play a certain level the location of the filename has to be given as commandline parameter.

85- More generally in science, the term parameter space is used to describe experimental variables.

86- Analysis of parameter continuation can lead to more insights about stable/critical point bifurcations.

87- As a physically defined form parameter it corresponds to the geometrical flattening f of the earth ellipsoid.

88- If desired, native SQL queries can be executed in which case ODB still provides support for parameter binding.

89- The z-parameters of the combined network are found by matrix addition of the two individual z-parameter matrices.

90- However, some parameters can often be displayed in profile view showing a vertical profile of the parameter mapped.

91- The quark condensate is therefore an order parameter of transitions between several phases of quark matter in this limit.

92- OPTICS can be seen as a generalization of DBSCAN that replaces the parameter with a maximum value that mostly effects performance.

93- His approach was based on the integration of building parameter estimations into the photogrammetry process applying a hybrid modeling scheme.

94- A circle of radius 1 centered at the origin can be specified in more than one form: *implicit form : *parametric form : :where t is the parameter.

95- A well known example from physics where regular perturbation theory fails is in fluid dynamics when one treats the viscosity as a small parameter.

96- However, even perfect observation would show a fuzzy main sequence because mass is not the only parameter that affects a star’s color and luminosity.

97- Usually, rather than selecting just one node, real world DHT algorithms select suitable nodes, with being an implementation-specific parameter of the DHT.

98- More generally, if is the maximum likelihood estimate of a parameter θ, and θ 0 is the value of θ under the null hypothesis, : can be used as a Z-test statistic.

99- Colloids Colloids preserve a high colloid osmotic pressure in the blood, while, on the other hand, this parameter is decreased by crystalloids due to hemodilution.

100- Lines in plane If three distinct and non-parallel lines are coplanar; their linear combinations generate a two-parameter family of lines, all the lines in the plane.

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