parameter in a sentence

Use ‘parameter’ in a sentence | ‘parameter’ example sentences

1- The following commands specify data transfer parameters .

2- Certain areas were excluded re aquifer related flow parameters .

3- Most stimulation parameters were entirely computer controlled.

4- The” type” parameter is optional.

5- The parameter values are shown under each graph.

6- Items exhibiting low “b” parameters are easy test items.

7- Another measured parameter was attempted patch entry.

8- The entire procedure is repeated until model parameters converge.

9- This possibility was formally tested using nonlinear parameter estimation.

10- Each stock option has 3 important parameters .

11- The semen recovered has quite variable parameters .

12- Each parameter tag is placed between braces.

13- The “options” parameter is optional.

14- The number of object merge parameters available.

15- A display exists for manually fitting parameters .

16- What are the steam coil control parameters ?

17- THIS parameter holds glue that is placed between paragraphs.

18- My water quality is always within the parameters .

19- Do parameter and argument units system match?

20- My tank chemistry and overall water parameters are great.

21- The relations between parameters defined above are also described.

22- Ensure driver and target parameter selection is correct.

23- The right panel describes audio driver parameters in detail.

24- This parameter does not affect photon map generation.

25- What do water quality monitoring parameters mean?

26- All basic capture parameters present on main screen.

27- The plan is optimized on geometric parameters .

28- Credit scoring via linear logistic models with random parameters .

29- This parameter helps to eliminate poor matches.

30- There are two very important parameters here.

31- The machine works in practically zero parameters .

32- Again all water parameters are within acceptable ranges.

33- Usually b is called the impact parameter .

34- The basic form of parameter expansion is ${ parameter }.

35- The basic form of parameter expansion is ${ parameter }.

36- Each operation is having their own parameter list.

37- The following parameters were used to monitor disease severity.

38- Table 3–1 lists the filter specification parameters .

39- Here c and n are constant parameters .

40- The input parameters are not based upon actual data. Find someone who knows someone who is partially paralyzed.

41- parameterA thorough knowledge of the Christian religion is an essential parameter for understanding much of the history of European art.

42- Such a smoother requires that a span parameter be chosen.

43- To pass a parameter would require an additional two-byte instruction, which would be inefficient.

44- Passing a variable as an argument to a parameter by reference allows the argument’s allocated storage to be referenced using the parameter.

45- These four material parameters are ε, µ, κ and χ or permittivity, permeability, strength of chirality, and the Tellegen parameter respectively.

46- Simulink had very powerful and fast solvers for ordinary differential equations, but lacked support for running probabilistic simulations and handling of parameter values.

47- A confidence interval does not predict that the true value of the parameter has a particular probability of being in the confidence interval given the data actually obtained.

48- Several papers which he wrote jointly with Wong extend the Ito integral to a “two-parameter” time.

49- The region of measurable parameter space that corresponds to a regime is very often loosely defined.

50- This enables developers for example to assign a variable as parameter for a method by drag-and-drop.

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