paralyzed in a sentence 3

Use ‘paralyzed’ in a sentence | ‘paralyzed’ example sentences

101- Bogarde was paralyzed on one side of his body, which affected his speech and left him in a wheelchair.

102- Jenny Elf, by the author’s own admission, is a tribute to a young girl who was paralyzed by a drunk driver.

103- paralyzed by internal political divisions, it could not respond effectively to British blockades of its coast and the capture of many of its colonies.

104- He awakens with the right side of his body paralyzed resulting in poor speech and posture, giving him an unrecoverable limp requiring him to use a cane to get around.

105- Nell is a film in which a young woman (portrayed by Jodie Foster ) is raised by her paralyzed mother in an isolated cabin, and has to face other human beings for the first time.

106- Besides him all are always paralyzed by fear when she arrives.

107- Greg suffers a fall in 1983 and is paralyzed from the waist down.

108- The woman was a semi-paralyzed 65 year old and required a wheelchair.

109- Hickox is paralyzed with bullets and everyone in the room is quarantined.

110- When faith did come, it came, I think, by way of my little paralyzed daughter.

111- paralyzed and left for dead by Agent 355 after Hero reveals Agent 711’s murder.

112- Shannon argues that she has the right to die before she is completely paralyzed.

113- Gopi was paralyzed by a stroke on February 20, 1986, at the zenith of his career.

114- Many employees launched a strike that paralyzed the normal operation of the company.

115- Suddenly paralyzed, Heintz relives a memory of his family, particularly with his daughter Emily.

116- Crowder, p. 233 On July 10, 1910 he suffered a stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body.

117- Such BCIs could be used to restore mobility in paralyzed limbs by electrically stimulating muscles.

118- He is afflicted by an intense melancholia that leaves him psychologically paralyzed for most of the novel.

119- In 2002, Merl suffered from a stroke that paralyzed one side of his body and curtailed his musical career.

120- In November 2000, a tragic and unfortunate motorcycle accident left Kang Won Rae paralyzed from the waist down.

121- Zander and Emily leave by train, but when the train is involved in an accident, Emily is paralyzed from the waist down.

122- Tom had some internal injuries from that earlier fall, which he didn’t know, and now the injury has paralyzed him from the neck down.

123- To Nikki’s dismay, the death of the venomous spider only attracted more spiders which bite Nikki, so she is also temporarily paralyzed.

124- The drama of her story arc included a slip in judgment when Jason was initially paralyzed, which ended with her hooking up with Riggins.

125- Sarajevo In Sarajevo, members of Horde zla organized demonstrations and almost paralyzed the city.

126- He was rescued by Jasmine when she discovered him paralyzed by the Wenn in The Forests of Silence.

127- In 1783, at the age of 26, Robinson suffered a mysterious illness that left her partially paralyzed.

128- The second, Paul Myron, was paralyzed when his car rolled over and has been confined to an iron lung ever since.

129- Larsson, paralyzed in half his body, was handed over to detectives in a rugged region of the northern state of Córdoba.

130- However in 1995, feeling ill, Gabilou went to a medical clinic in Papeete where he was diagnosed with having paralyzed vocal chords.

131- Then came Daytona 1979 and the decision by CBS to televise the 500 from start to finish on a Sunday when a snowstorm paralyzed the East Coast.

132- He also developed a device that allowed individuals who were paralyzed to have their bladders empty through a signal sent from a radio-controlled device.

133- Savuth was largely paralyzed down one side of his body, walked with the aid of a cane, and was, reputedly, continually drunk to numb the pain of his condition.

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