paralyzed in a sentence 2

Use ‘paralyzed’ in a sentence | ‘paralyzed’ example sentences

51- The massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.

52- He is confined to a wheelchair because his legs are paralyzed.

53- Traffic was paralyzed for hours during the visit by the Queen.

54- The strike by teachers has completely paralyzed the school system.

55- Find someone who knows someone who is partially paralyzed.

56- parameterFind someone who knows someone who is partially paralyzed.

57- participateGordon’s father is paralyzed on one side of his body as a result of a severe stroke.

58- Rick Hansen became paralyzed from the waist down after breaking his back in a car accident.

59- The disease left her with a paralyzed right arm, so she learned to write with her left hand.

60- The child was paralyzed with fear by the vividness of the memory of being beaten by his father.

61- American Franklin Roosevelt, although partially paralyzed by polio, was re-elected three times.

62- Michael Brown once noted that the Human Spirit can never be paralyzed.

63- If you are breathing, you can dream.

64- Wayne was completely paralyzed from the neck down as a result of breaking his neck when he dove into the lake, and hit his head on a log.

65- He won’t be paralyzed after the operation, and he’ll be able to speak.’

66- A 6-year old girl who was also in the car was paralyzed and later died.

67- It was the second time in a week port workers paralyzed the train lines.

68- Many of us are horrified, most of us mystified, nearly all of us paralyzed.

69- Their browsers mercilessly fired requests at both sites and paralyzed them.

70- He went into panic mode, thinking then that she’d either die or be paralyzed.

71- Do you believe that he — was partially paralyzed in the midst of this fight?

72- The anemic state of the Greek economy has all but paralyzed trade with Germany.

73- 510149Nobody trusts their neighbor anymore — everyone is paralyzed with fear.”

74- 400047It is weak, uncertain and paralyzed,”” he told the Parliament in Budapest.”

75- McKenzie was paralyzed on Jan. 1, 2014 when a driver hit her family’s truck head-on.

76- Nye: It’s such a big problem that people are paralyzed-they’re paralyzed by self doubt.

77- The mother of the other victim in the car said her son is paralyzed from the chest down.

78- His injuries left him paralyzed from the waist down and required that he use a wheelchair.

79- They can’t speak, they are paralyzed and at the end, they just lie there and gasp for air.

80- Beau was losing his nouns and the right side of his face was partially paralyzed, Dowd wrote.

81- My body eventually broke down, and I ended up in intensive care after my bladder became paralyzed.

82- He’s an amazing kid, he was a very athletic kid until he was paralyzed about a year and a half ago.

83- Over the past five years, four other paralyzed men have had this therapy, but none of them can walk.

84- They live in a comfortable, if self-loathing, purgatory, paralyzed in part by their own romanticism.

85- After a car crash in 1997 left him paralyzed, Goffer was inspired to begin working on a bionic suit.

86- Because at the time, I thought that it would be impossible ’cause he was paralyzed from the neck down.

87- He became paralyzed in 1880 and died four years later.

88- The couple bore five children, of whom two were paralyzed.

89- However, a blood clot rendered him paralyzed from the neck down later in the day.

90- Megan becomes somewhat paralyzed with fear, as well as having a hard time picking up the Krazy doll.

91- In 1944 a young nephew was deported to a concentration camp, causing a heart attack that left her mute and paralyzed.

92- On one occasion, during a papal audience, Pius X was holding a paralyzed child who wriggled free from his arms and then ran around the room.

93- The Spanish became paralyzed by a leadership crisis following the successive deaths of two Commanders-in-Chief to disease, making Dugommier’s task easier.

94- Winkler is a United States Army veteran who was paralyzed below the chest in Tikrit, Iraq in 2003 after he fell off a truck while holding 50 pounds of ammunition.

95- His arm had been paralyzed and he gained a fever during his incarceration.

96- He raised $50,000 to enable paralyzed jockey Rudy Biaz to build ramps in his house.

97- People who suffer from broken vertebrae usually end up paralyzed, deceased, or both.

98- Vargas sat paralyzed because of an affiction he had suffered for the past twenty years.

99- On November 29, 2009, Williams was shot and paralyzed while working at an Atlanta nightclub.

100- In her federal lawsuit she says she has been intermittently paralyzed by the Pfizer-designed virus.

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