Use ‘paralysis’ in a sentence | ‘paralysis’ example sentences
51- Polio attacks the nervous system and can cause irreversible paralysis within hours of infection.
52- A hospital official told reporters that “some paralysis of his face and left arm senses are expected.”
53- paralysis At Elise’s house, Nemo sees Elise with her 22-year-old boyfriend, and leaves.
54- Dr. Jannetta has called facial paralysis (as opposed to weakness) a “major and common complication of the MVD.
55- However, I didn’t know I broke my back until a couple days later when my right leg started having partial paralysis.
56- He died of paralysis on the 3rd of April 1691, while in the very act of painting on the enamel a portrait of his faithful wife.
57- Individuals with Broca’s aphasia often have right-sided weakness or paralysis of the arm and leg, because the frontal lobe is also important for body movement.
58- Hearing of a possible cure for his paralysis, John and Marlena remarried in the hospital, and left Salem for a treatment center in Switzerland on January 23, 2009.
59- He was poor, and on 15 May 1782 he was attacked by paralysis.
60- “War, politics, and voice: the vocal fold paralysis of George Orwell”.
61- In 1867 he suffered from an attack of paralysis; his eyesight failed, and he could only write with his left hand.
62- Thus a dog may carry a tick for up to three weeks without the tick being significantly engorged or causing paralysis.
63- Sleep paralysis is known to involve a component of hallucination in 20% of the cases, which may explain these sightings.
64- His powers are a result of his father’s attempts to cure his paralysis (which failed) and relies on high emotionality to transform.
65- “Polioviruses and other enteroviruses isolated from faecal samples of patients with acute flaccid paralysis in Australia, 1996-2004″.
66- ” * Adam Taliaferro (born 1982), former Penn State Football player who overcame paralysis, and subject of the book Miracle in the Making.
67- In KQ1, then known as the Sorcerer (in KQ1 remake), he traveled around Daventry, occasionally casting paralysis Spells on unsuspecting victims.
68- ;1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg wins the Nobel Prize for his invention of malarial therapy as a treatment for general paralysis of the insane ( neurosyphilis ).
69- Jaramillo’s cures were often miraculous in nature, even to the point of curing paralysis.
70- In dogs, symptoms include intense itching, jaw and pharyngeal paralysis, howling, and death.
71- Bell’s palsy is defined as an idiopathic unilateral facial nerve paralysis, usually self-limiting.
72- In 1881, Richard von Volkmann showed that limb paralysis can occur from the use of the Esmarch tourniquet.
73- These herbs the effects of: recovering HP, recovering mana, or curing poison, drain, paralysis, slow, or confusion.
74- Jason came to visit her and he learned for the first time about her paralysis and why Babs broke off their engagement.
75- Dawes died of paralysis at the deanery, Hereford, on 10 March 1867, and was buried in the Ladye Arbour of the cathedral.
76- Noor, the 60 year old filmmaker suffered a paralysis stroke early on Dec 31, 2011 and was brought to Sheikh Zayad Hospital.
77- Klumpke paralysis Main article: Klumpke paralysis A claw hand can result of injuries to the inferior brachial plexus (C8 – T1).
78- This so-called “Nuthall interval” (Kilburn 289) dragged out a period of Parliamentary paralysis, as no bills could move forward.
79- Types Decreased propulsive ability may be broadly classified as caused either by bowel obstruction or intestinal atony or paralysis.
80- This financial paralysis, soon coupled with the lack of a Secretary General, brought WUJS activities to a halt until the early 1960s.
81- The efficacy of electric shocks in cases of paralysis was tested in the county hospital at Shrewsbury, England, with rather poor success.
82- paralysis attacks can be managed by drinking effervescent potassium bicarbonate dissolved in water, or potassium gluconate oral solution.
83- In 1858, while playing Lancelot Gobbo at the Princess’s Theatre, Harley was struck with paralysis.
84- Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year 3,145 died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis.
85- Molecular mechanism Hypokalemic periodic paralysis results from mutations in subunits of sodium or calcium channels.
86- Sorrow himself is apparently also vulnerable to his own gaze, a recorded image of his face causing temporary paralysis.
87- Voice Surgery In 2006 Emma-Lee had a lump on her thyroid gland which required a surgery that risked vocal cord paralysis.
88- ” Courage to Smile, a support group for people with facial paralysis and their families, credits Dressel as an inspiration for their formation.
89- Moon et al, 2006 Signs and symptoms Symptoms directly related to the Kernohan’s notch is most commonly paralysis or weakness on one side of the body.
90- Gangrenous ileum Intestinal atony or paralysis may be caused by inhibitory neural reflexes, inflammation or other implication of neurohumoral peptides.
91- “Nickel Centre mayor shot; man is held”, Globe and Mail, 16 November 1978, 1. He eventually recovered, but suffered partial paralysis in one arm for the rest of his life.
92- Scrivener after adding 125 pages to his book had an attack of paralysis, as result his work was not wholly conducted upon the same high level as his previous publications.
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