Use ‘paralysis’ in a sentence | ‘paralysis’ example sentences
1- The root word “palsy” means ” paralysis “.
2- Too many options are confusing and may produce psychological paralysis .
3- Our country will suffer “political paralysis “.
4- The condition is known as congenital right facial paralysis .
5- My aunt had been stricken with paralysis .
6- Many patient came across states to cure paralysis .
7- The paralysis itself is frequently accompanied by additional phenomena.
8- Another possible cause of sleep paralysis is depression.
9- There is paralysis through lack of clear politics.
10- It is the dreaded “analysis paralysis ” environment.
11- These substances are toxic, causing paralysis .
12- The net effect is paralysis in the workplace.
13- But paralysis is much more wasteful than trying and failing.
14- The worst cases end in paralysis and death.
15- The person is not suffering any paralysis .
16- There was some paralysis down one side.
17- In 1840 he was attacked by paralysis .
18- Permanent limb paralysis is very likely if the bite remains untreated.
19- It is used by skiers with lower limb disabilities including paralysis .
20- Central nervous system involvement can cause seizures or paralysis .
21- Certain vegetation may be conducive to paralysis ticks.
22- Symptoms will slowly increase until limb paralysis begins to occur.
23- The second stage of the intoxication is increasing paralysis .
24- Research has found a genetic component in sleep paralysis .
25- Frequent political paralysis and intermittent violence marked this period.
26- This state of overwhelm means paralysis via inability to determine priorities.
27- They were just giving us more paralysis .
28- There is the root cause of policy paralysis .
29- ALS is a nerve system disease that causes gradual paralysis .
30- Political paralysis regularly occurs and political standoff becomes the norm .
31- Governance has its own forms of analysis paralysis .
32- The current situation is one of chronic” academic paralysis “.
33- One in three has experienced sleep paralysis at least once.
34- Multiple cranial nerve palsies including facial paralysis may ensue.
35- Perhaps you’ve experienced sleep paralysis yourself.
36- These front-end loader accidents frequently cause paralysis or death.
37- Back and spinal injuries, including paralysis .
38- But silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable.
39- After several weeks, the paralysis slowly improves.
40- Both forms of facial paralysis were described in-depth. Polio is a viral disease that can lead to paralysis.
41- Symptoms of a stroke may include any weakness or paralysis in the face, arm, or leg.
42- To capture food, the octopus pierces the shells of its prey, injecting poison that causes paralysis.
43- Scientists hope that one day cloning will be able to reverse paralysis by regrowing damaged cells in the spinal cord.
44- As much as 6 percent of the world’s population may experience sleep paralysis, the inability to move and speak for several minutes after awakening.
45- Neither did the two other paralysis cases that Children’s Mercy has treated.
46- Then her spinal cord became inflamed and scarred resulting in the paralysis.
47- His unwavering commitment to the eurozone became a kind of strategic paralysis.
48- Berlin’s museums on the other hand all seem to be in a state of mutual paralysis.
49- They’d rather make a decision and be wrong than suffer from the paralysis of indecision.
50- And botulism, an illness caused by a toxin that can cause paralysis, also has a new treatment.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
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