Use ‘parallels’ in a sentence | ‘parallels’ example sentences
100- The line heads south and parallels Interstate 278 ( Brooklyn Queens Expressway ) for a distance.
101- The Quickway ( NY 17 ) closely parallels the old turnpike alignment between Monticello and Bloomingburg.
102- This more closely parallels the demographic patterns of Northern Ontario than those of Quebec during this period.
103- MD 194 parallels the Maryland Midland Railway ‘s north south line, Israel Creek, and Laurel Hill north to Woodsboro.
104- Their expression of an inner world has some parallels with Surrealism, as does their fixation with obsolescence and the uncanny.
105- This 20 km long section which parallels the Aller Canal is the only section of the Aller which meanders in its natural river channel.
106- The book has many stylistic parallels with Tristram Shandy, and indeed, the narrator is one of the minor characters from the earlier novel.
107- parallels Automation System allows businesses to increase productivity and revenue by automating billing and provisioning of their services.
108- Each of Eliot’s four poems have parallels to Gray’s poem, but “Little Gidding” is deeply indebted to the elegy’s meditation on a “neglected spot”.
109- There are some parallels between Japanese and Israelite rituals, culture, traditions, and language, which provide some evidence for this possibility.
110- The railroad, which parallels the Illinois-Michigan Canal from Chicago to Peru, brought an end to passenger service along the canal due to its success.
111- Many have observed the parallels between the dramatic endings of each half of this book and the irresistible power of their respective themes of love and death.
112- parallels are drawn between the cynicism of leaders then and now, lines made more visible by Iunker’s highly modern language with an underlying streak of farce.
113- Alison feigns surprise, and as Pierre continues his story of the pigs and a wolf, where the story parallels the earlier situation with him, Alison and Father Philippe.
114- Analysis Reviewers spotted parallels between the “Einai” universe and the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series as soon as the first book in the series was published.
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parallel – paralleled – paralleling – parallelism – parallelisms – parallelogram – parallelograms – parallels – paralyse – paralysed – paralyses – paralysing – paralysis – paralytic – paralytics –
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