parallels in a sentence 2

Use ‘parallels’ in a sentence | ‘parallels’ example sentences

51- “And this largely parallels an increase we have been seeing among high school seniors.”

52- The parallels between the limits of political and judicial attempts at clarification are astonishing.

53- Other parallels can be adduced and have been adduced.

54- Other parallels can be adduced and have been adduced .

55- Many parallels are drawn between Jack’s profession and Vic’s, in that they both handle bodies.

56- Snaking northward, the Embarrass parallels Alberta Highway 47 before its confluence with the McLeod.

57- Sandnes notes the vague nature of alleged parallels as the “Achilles’ heel” of the “slippery” project.

58- The creek is also the namesake of Aliso Creek Road, which crosses the creek once and only parallels it for a short length.

59- Moss had produced ‘Saviour’, ‘Over Your Shoulder’ and ‘Angelic’, which drew parallels directly to Patterson’s ‘Empty’, ‘Feel’ and ‘Destiny’.

60- There are parallels to the Iliad and Odyssey, and Topelius uses the conflict of cultures between the noble Greeks and the barbaric Nordic countries.

61- There were parallels between this work and Twain’s financial failings, notably his desire to escape his current constraints and become a different person.

62- Adams parallels his pugnacious comments by confirming his desire for an amicable end to hostilities and insistence that preparation for war is the only way to insure peace.

63- ” also draws parallels to the phrase “April Fool!

64- Birdsong and speech development: Could there be parallels?

65- The road parallels Kentucky Route 80 for its entire length.

66- SR 42 turns back east north of Eminence and now SR 42 parallels I-70.

67- Their many parallels with John’s Gospel may also indicate a date after that of the Gospel.

68- The beneficial side to the program is that it parallels that of real life at rapid speeds.

69- We also see parallels in Rabbinical lore for Sammael, Falasha for Suriel, and Azrael in the Arabic.

70- The highway parallels Interstate 87 and New York State Route 32, as it progresses farther to the northeast.

71- parallels Explorer was updated to allow for one to automatically mount an offline VM hard drive to the Mac desktop.

72- Planes parallel to the equatorial plane intersect the surface in circles of constant latitude; these are the parallels.

73- The song makes parallels between the search for Elvis, the search for Bigfoot and mankind’s search for a king or “savior.

74- parallels in structure of lexicon and syntax between New Hebrides Bislama and the South Santo language as spoken at Tangoa.

75- Trapping mechanisms There are visible parallels between the trapping mechanisms of carnivorous plants and protocarnivorous plants.

76- NY 126 parallels the waterway to the hamlet of Naumburg, located near the point where the Beaver River merges with the Black River.

77- Darrin used the billions he’d made from manipulating the stock market via the parallels to become a billionaire philanthropist and playboy.

78- The road soon enters the town of Hamden, where it crosses over the Mill River and closely parallels Route 22 for the rest of its alignment.

79- Uhde and others often point out the danger of too much interpretative license indicating parallels between passages that are scarcely related.

80- Wilson p. 272 Chapters 15 and 16 of the fourth Book presents a detailed account of Keshi’s death which parallels the Bhagavata Purana account.

81- Rainfall from Hurricane Floyd affecting the state * September 15, 1999 Hurricane Floyd parallels the shore of the Delmarva Peninsula as a tropical storm.

82- His model parallels that of Amartya Sen who argued in his 1999 Development as Freedom that the goal of all sustainable development must be the freeing of human time.

83- SR 51 parallels the north side of US 58 Business as the former highway follows the height of land between the Dan River to the south and the Sandy River to the north.

84- Fascism Several of the film’s elements, including the setting at the start of World War II, have led some critics to highlight parallels to the rise of fascism at the time.

85- In Denver it is called the Valley Highway, as the highway parallels the course of the South Platte River throughout the downtown area and is often sunken below ground level.

86- Enbaqom on occasion draws some interesting parallels.

87- CR 86 now parallels Route 72 as it heads into Sloatsburg.

88- parallels partners with vendors to provide the full solution.

89- Plous 1993, pp. 162-164 This parallels the reliance on positive tests in hypothesis testing.

90- Course Dutch Bill Creek parallels the Bohemian Highway from the town of Occidental to Monte Rio.

91- This change parallels the transformation her mainstream counterpart goes through under Claremont and Smith.

92- Sakharov saw “striking parallels” between his fate and those of J. Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller in the USA.

93- Paraenhydrocyon parallels the Mesocyon-Enhydrocyon clade by having a reduced metaconid ( cusp ) of the lower molars.

94- MacTech found that the faster the physical host computer, the more similarly parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion performed.

95- SR 158 parallels the Clinch Valley rail line east to the east town limit of Coeburn, where the highway becomes Bull Run Road.

96- Backgrounds of Early Christianity. 2003, page 368. But the parallels go well beyond the sharing (or borrowing) of terminology.

97- There is a hidden irony in Sark’s dominion over Florina: clear parallels to the American South growing cotton with slave labor.

98- He drew parallels to the establishment of the apartheid regime in South Africa, and also racial separation laws passed by the Nazis.

99- These parallels are used to support the doctrine of the rapture occurring after the tribulation.

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