pairs in a sentence 4

Use ‘pairs’ in a sentence | ‘pairs’ example sentences

149- Also in approximately week 3-4 the cast began weekly canoe trips in pairs to the mainland to collect “supplies” (vegetables and fruit).

150- PGN code begins with a set of “tag pairs” (a tag name and its value), followed by the “movetext” (chess moves with optional commentary).

151- pairs split outside the breeding season; it is not studied whether they are monogamous only during the breeding season or for several seasons.

152- Sponsored Pieces In the Summer of 2009 Skoff began creating some of his artwork in pairs, with only little differences between the two paintings.

153- Episode 5: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Octopus *Reward Challenge: – Both the tribes will split into three pairs, each of whom will stand on a platform.

154- This is a small annual herb producing a hairy, glandular stem no more than about 15 centimeters tall, with several pairs of needle-like, curving leaves.

155- He was born in Győr and is the father of Béla Zsitnik, Jr. In 1948 he was a crew member of the Hungarian boat which won the bronze in the coxed pairs event.

156- A poset consists of a set together with a binary relation that indicates that, for certain pairs of elements in the set, one of the elements precedes the other.

157- From Fayetteville to the Alabama line, US 231 pairs with US 431. The route is approximately miles (0 km) from Tennessee’s northern border to its southern border.

158- Resonance Main article: Resonance structure For some molecules and ions, it is difficult to determine which lone pairs should be moved to form double or triple bonds.

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