pairs in a sentence 3

Use ‘pairs’ in a sentence | ‘pairs’ example sentences

99- Five pairs, each from a different nation, competed.

100- The pair finished in sixth place out of eight pairs.

101- The women were hanged individually, the men in pairs.

102- They normally come in pairs but may be used individually.

103- The common wall has doors that lead to passages between the pairs.

104- The pairs were chained together with four different coloured locks.

105- Only six pairs are found on Samar, two on Leyte, and a few on Luzon.

106- Pneumococci are typically gram-positive, cocci, seen in pairs or chains.

107- The pollen cones are 1.5-2.5 cm long, solitary or in pairs on a short stem.

108- All pairs except the fourth were direct predecessor – direct successor pairs.

109- Blackedged angelfish are found in pairs or in harems of up to five individuals.

110- Older larvae are darker with pairs of dark warts on each segment along the back.

111- The drug dealers arrive in pairs as the man attempts to gain access to the files.

112- While some are in Watson-Crick pairs (A/T, C/G), some are self complementing (X/X).

113- They are guyed steel-lattice masts, set in pairs in a row, bearing dipole antennae.

114- The 1973 plate debacle In 1972, the 9000 pairs of new plates for 1973 were produced.

115- The flowers are borne singly or in pairs in the axils of the much reduced upper leaves.

116- Twin names Unreferenced In some cultures, twins may be given distinctive pairs of names.

117- Opposing pairs of these are joined by a bar labeled “contraries” (earth-air, fire-water).

118- The oval leaves occur in oppositely arranged pairs, each leaf less than a centimeter long.

119- Arsenopyrite has a related structure with heteroatomic As-S pairs rather than homoatomic ones.

120- An average individual breeds in a colony of about 120 pairs, far larger than mean colony size.

121- The pairs of Imogen and Susie, Michael and Spiral and Pete and Richard were put up for eviction.

122- Vowels All vowels come in long/short pairs Long vowels are indicated by a doubling of the vowel.

123- If a player is dealt four pairs or two complete suits, that player automatically wins the round.

124- They are 65 feet (20 m) long and 111 inches (2.8 m) wide, with three pairs of doors on each side.

125- Unlike, conventional Multiplex PCR system, in MassTag PCR more than 15 primer pairs could be used.

126- However, breeding pairs of either species do not share the tubes with adults of the other species.

127- Lycyrge illustrated in a line drawing in Landon 1833 fig. 15. * Léonidas for the Chambre des pairs.

128- Season 1 40 famous Danes competed in “folkeræs” (Danish: people’s race) in pairs, 1 man and 1 woman.

129- pairs of vases were produced either in a single colour of opaque glass or in two-colour cased glass.

130- The bird spread successfully to various neighbouring islands, and 30 pairs were established by 2006.

131- There are now 130 160 known individuals (65 80 breeding pairs) confirmed to breed on just six ledges.

132- Breeding Chicks 5 days after hatching Tawny Frogmouth pairs stay together until one of the pair dies.

133- Three pairs of stones, two grey and one French, survive on the fourth floor with vats, spouts etc. all intact.

134- The leaves are acuminate or apiculate, rounded or subcordate at the base and contain about 8-14 pairs of veins.

135- Teams were drawn into pairs with the first selected club having the right to organize the first leg on home ground.

136- For pairs, either senior or junior Grand Prix events are considered (they can compete at both levels in one season).

137- The coil-spring suspension of the T-38 was replaced by a modern torsion-bar suspension with four pairs of road wheels.

138- The corresponding homology group can be identified with the group of pairs of integers, with one copy of for each hole.

139- The puzzle has 13 different solutions, if mirrored pairs of solutions are not counted as being distinct from each other.

140- The use of pairs of columns rather than the notched corner technique shows a particular skill in using natural minerals.

141- Pi-donating ligands Ligands where the coordinating atom bear nonbonding lone pairs often stabilize unsaturated complexes.

142- Any given chain could use one or more pairs of stations, demanding a large number of unique signals for widespread coverage.

143- These models are multi-dimensional, so examine complex networks of interactions, rather than just pairs of interacting species.

144- The leaves are made up of 9 to 13 pairs of lance-shaped or elongated oval leaflets that may measure up to 4 centimeters in length.

145- Claus gathers eight more reindeer, named in rhyming pairs: Racer, Pacer, Fearless, Peerless, Ready, Steady, Feckless, and Speckless.

146- This is accomplished by driving the left wheels as a pair and right wheels as a pair, as opposed to driving the front and rear pairs.

147- pairs are monogamous for a single season, but the pair bond extends only to the nesting area; mates are independent away from the nest.

148- Power Sum ELFEXT (PSELFEXT) Power Sum ELFEXT (PSELFEXT) is the sum of FEXT values from 3 wire pairs as they affect the other wire pair.

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