paintings in a sentence 4

Use ‘paintings’ in a sentence | ‘paintings’ example sentences

149- Three mural paintings were adorning the auditorium ceiling.

150- Fly agarics have been featured in paintings since the Renaissance, albeit in a subtle manner.

151- The paintings depict animals and date to the Stone Age .

152- In his long and productive life, he painted over 3,000 paintings.

153- Eolo Pons’ paintings and drawings retain the influence of Surrealism.

154- She also produced a few quilts with themes depicted in her paintings.

155- Polo competitions are the subject of many traditional paintings in Iran.

156- The inner wall contained beautiful art glass carvings and wall paintings.

157- The second box contains sixteen additional paintings, which they return to London.

158- The album was packaged in dark green, with one of Hitchcock’s paintings on the front.

159- Quark tries to bargain when Nahsk smashes one of Morn’s paintings over Quark’s head.

160- ‘” (Her website sells her paintings to benefit a charity called Partners in Health.

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