paintings in a sentence 3

Use ‘paintings’ in a sentence | ‘paintings’ example sentences

101- In November of 1992, twenty original paintings by Adolf Hitler went unsold at an auction after they failed to attract a single bid.

102- Many paintings which were originally attributed to the masters were subsequently found to have been done by some of their pupils.

103- purchaseConcurrent with his pop music career, Paul McCartney has also written an opera and a book of poetry, and put on an exhibition of his paintings.

104- Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome were revealed to the general public for the first time in November of 1512.

105- Vincent Van Gogh’s inability to form fulfilling personal relationships manifested itself in the feelings of isolation illustrated by his paintings.

106- She has examples of various media in her art portfolio, including paintings with both oil and acrylic, drawings, sketches and photos of sculptures.

107- In 1999, former Beatle Paul McCartney’s exhibition of paintings, which were on display in a small German town, were highly praised in the British press.

108- Apart from his career as a famous pop musician, Paul McCartney has also written an opera and a book of poetry, and put on an exhibition of his paintings.

109- Following the destruction of the Polish city of Warsaw in World War Two, the city was reconstructed using old prints and paintings as architectural models.

110- I don’t like his paintings.

111- The Louvre in Paris has undertaken to restore some old paintings by some of the masters, paintings that were damaged in a fire a couple of hundred years ago.

112- The wife of Pablo Picasso once remarked, “If my husband would ever meet a woman on the street who looked like the women in his paintings, he would fall over in a dead faint.

113- When Abdalla arrived in England, he unrolled his remaining paintings.

114- The show features 11 original paintings on watercolor and rice paper.

115- Rooms are decorated with paintings, antiques and musical instruments.

116- 55175And then when you make the paintings, it’s really fun,” he said.

117- Those who used to paint brought their paintings, we put them on the wall.

118- But not all Muslims oppose religious icons and Islamic paintings do exist.

119- Her collection of acrylic paintings are on display in the library right now.

120- Works of art, paintings and objects used on the day, will also be on display.

121- Van Gogh paintings, which rarely change hands, command huge prices at auction.

122- Even his signature on each of his paintings is different, adapted to the work.

123- 336333“I have paintings, of course, that I can use to support these projects.”

124- 9094About 250 of his paintings are still undiscovered, spread all over the world.

125- 837935They weren’t chubby cherubs like the ones in the famous classical paintings.

126- Whether it’s yachts, paintings or tickets to a fight, money means nothing,” he said.

127- Here you can find bonsai trees, secondhand kimonos, paintings, pottery and antiques.

128- The art is therapeutic, but “the residential school paintings don’t sell,” she says.

129- Amid paintings and pottery was a gold sarcophagus containing a man’s cremated bones.

130- Howard/Mandville Galleries ENDS 9/20 A solo show of new paintings by Renato Muccill.

131- And just like that, his collection of Royal Academy original paintings seemed shabby.

132- paintings for Ants 13 photos Loots has painted everything from planets to Bill Murray.

133- He said the 75-year old paintings are too fragile and would likely be ruined if moved.

134- He sometimes retouches parts of paintings and adds newer varnish that can be reversed.

135- The artist will have several additional paintings new to the show at that time as well.

136- The paintings were later taken to the museum storehouse in Schwerin and given back in 1990.

137- Its paintings, the marble floor and color arrangements make for an extremely majestic welcome.

138- I became intrigued with that idea and now the paintings in gold are getting larger and larger.

139- 600234Sargy Mann: Final paintings is showing at the Cadogan Contemporary gallery until 4 July.

140- The paintings that were stolen, including works from Picasso and Monet, have still to be found.

141- “They were his stuff while in his mind the paintings were something he made to be shown and sold.”

142- paintings of historic ships hang on the walls of his office, and there is a briefcase on the floor.

143- Lee’s stone sculptures and minimalistic paintings with single brush strokes have a zen-like quality.

144- In 1925, the first group exhibition of surrealistic paintings opened at the Galerie Pierre in Paris.

145- 432218I was shocked by the paintings,”” said Nasrin Mohammad, mother of Avjin and two younger boys.”

146- Will modern history’s most successful forger now manage to make as much money with his own paintings?

147- For more information about rock paintings, contact the Diamond Lake Ranger District at (541) 498-2531.

148- The interior is adorned with famous paintings and frescoes.

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