pagans in a sentence 2

Use ‘pagans’ in a sentence | ‘pagans’ example sentences

49- Brad Carlson, later known as Bun E. Carlos, played in a rival Rockford band, the pagans.

50- His army arrived in the afternoon and desired to attack the pagans right away, but decided to wait for the next morning.

51- The pagan Samogitians received a two year truce in 1259, with the Christians expecting the pagans to accept Christianity.

52- EPLC offers pagans a safe place to start or continue their spiritual journey with a group of accepting and like minded individuals.

53- Personal The pagans have a daughter, Karla, a son, Hector, and a niece, Maria, who lives with them.

54- There are a large number of Jews, pagans and heretics in his empire, but he does not force them to change their beliefs.

55- The murder of Anthemius (by Ricimer ) destroyed the hopes of those pagans who believed that the traditional rites would now be restored.

56- When Norwegians adopted Christianity, horse-eating became taboo as it was a religious act for pagans, and thus it was considered a sign of heresy.

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