pageants in a sentence

Use ‘pageants’ in a sentence | ‘pageants’ example sentences

1- She had various jobs and performed occasionally and entered beauty pageants .

2- Smaller scale pageants are also held in regional centres.

3- BMW doesn’t care much for beauty pageants anyway.

4- The two pageants were rejoined in 2003.

5- You should have seen the old pageants .

6- How do beauty pageants and coal mining go together?

7- This event is bigger than itself – it extends beyond beauty pageants .

8- She is also the winner of many pageants .

9- Glitz pageants may best be described as “anything goes”.

10- Christmas plays and pageants are held throughout local churches and auditoriums.

11- That’s just toddler pageants on ice!

12- There are no losers at our pageants .

13- Girls can’t play on the pageants .

14- We had Christmas plays and Easter pageants .

15- Visit our website for details and upcoming pageants and events.

16- Venezuela is well known for its successes in beauty pageants .

17- The years pass in parade like pageants in a dream.

18- I assumed these pageants were a representation of our culture .

19- The pageants were first shown on NBC in 2003.

20- They started exchanging recollections of older pageants in their own home towns.

21- All other nations will be held as mail in pageants .

22- To me it is clear that child beauty pageants cross a line.

23- He is a freelance model and a contestant in various bikini pageants .

24- Parents of children are sometimes criticized for entering their children in pageants .

25- Do you love pageants as much as we do?

26- She was unplaced at all four pageants .

27- pageants were to be the salvation of the studios.

28- So he took us to see the flower pageants .

29- The opening presents Dalia as the pope of child beauty pageants .

30- Alone, Delmount further criticizes beauty pageants .

31- Pageant committees from Venezuela meticulously choose best representative for international beauty pageants .

32- The theater now stages everything from Beauty pageants to Broadway shows.

33- At Little Miss Personality pageants , every girl is a winner!

34- Yes …but I think beauty pageants go beyond body flaunting.

35- But we do draw the line at Beauty pageants for toddlers.

36- Numerous groups presented plays and pageants .

37- He also regularly began producing pageants .

38- Her active role in pageants was highly scrutinized by media following the murder.

39- Since then, the industry has grown to include about 250,000 pageants .

40- Come join our pageant family and celebrate being a Pure American pageants ! All proceeds from the pageants benefit the Hall-Gravel Hill Cemetery Association.

41- That made it two straight Miss Universe winners for Colombia, where the pageants are taken seriously.

42- There are a number of qualifying pageants, local pageants, and contests for specific rodeo events.

43- There is also Junior Miss Tater Day for little girls ages 5 to 12, and Little Mister, Tiny Miss, and Baby Miss Tater day pageants and floats for the younger kids.

44- Parades and pageants are the heart of the Carnaval festivities.

45- Speeches, pageants, picnics, and fireworks marked the celebration, which lasted for two days.

46- Career As a child, she began modeling, joining pageants and participating in theatrical productions.

47- Indonesian laws forbids any kind of involvement in international beauty pageants and considers such as immoral.

48- Smaller scale pageants are also held in regional centres.

49- Based on her real-life participation in beauty pageants Dumas, Amy.

50- She won several beauty pageants and was homecoming queen in high school.

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