packed in a sentence 4

Use ‘packed’ in a sentence | ‘packed’ example sentences

147- Unlike stevia and erythritol, agave is packed with calories.

148- Labs got packed and moved well ahead of schedule.

149- He is a ninja and is packed with an assortment of ninja weapons.

150- Randy gives Dukie the lunch that his foster mother packed for him.

151- Boards were used to make a form into which the concrete was packed.

152- The copies of 67 volumes, each having about 250 pages, were packed in six boxes.

153- These mines would then be packed with explosives and detonated, producing a large crater.

154- The gymnasium trophy case is packed with awards, bearing testimony to the students‚ hard work, and athletic abilities.

155- A few days prior, the schooner Betsy or the sloops Speed would sail to St. Kitts for supplies including ice packed in sawdust.

156- Soldiers carried thirty to forty gunpowder charges within reach, individually packed in small wooden boxes for quick reloading.

157- Live Wires These children’s playschemes ran during school holidays and were always packed out with up to 350 children at a time!

158- The leading digit is between 0 and 9 (3 or 4 binary bits), and the rest of the significand uses the densely packed decimal encoding.

159- Snow could be packed down with horse-drawn rollers to form a far smoother surface than was available on dirt roads at other times of the year.

160- The family became nomadic, searching for a place to settle in England and living in furnished houses while their possessions were packed away.

161- Throngs of people constantly packed the grounds of the courts, hoping to catch a glimpse of Adrian Lim and to hear the revelations first-hand.

162- Kibby, pg. 41 The gills are initially unattached to the stem, packed close together, and are pinkish-brown; in age they become blackish-brown.

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