packer in a sentence

Use ‘packer’ in a sentence | ‘packer’ example sentences

1- packer reportedly suffered as many as eight heart attacks.

2- packer was often the centre of controversy.

3- The packer family has long been involved in media.

4- packer‘s account of this office is chilling.

5- Sweeney told packer to call the police.

6- packer himself was doubtful of the effectiveness of slow bowling.

7- What a tremendous situation for packer fans.

8- The episode took an enormous toll on packer .

9- Might make packer a bit edgy though .

10- I recently found $ 5 at a packer game.

11- Any wonder most people despise packer fans ?

12- packer kicker Dave Rayner made three field goals in three attempts.

13- Menzies helped packer draft his maiden speech to the parliament.

14- I have been a packer fan for many years .

15- packer and his fellow liberal hawks did not look far enough.

16- packer explores contradictions like this in a fascinating historical account.

17- Both wanted a professional worldwide rugby competition funded by Kerry packer .

18- packers fans are often referred to as cheeseheads.

19- packers have finished the worst team in the league twice.

20- packer , 31, says he no longer skates.

21- packer will be a large dog when full grown.

22- Advertisement Kerry packer did it with cricket .

23- The last couple of packer fan posts have class …….

24- They say PC packer is clearly doing his job.

25- packers made mistakes with Driver and Woodson .

26- President Boyd K. packer graciously took my place.

27- On the surface Elder packer‘s instructions seem admirable.

28- Ann packer : It took me 10 years.

29- packer was born in Sydney, Australia.

30- He had an older brother, Clyde packer .

31- It was also packer into bags here.

32- A small number of civilians were used as runners and packers .

33- Prediction : packers 31 , Redskins 24.

34- The rudder case also had its packers made from maple.

35- The packer family have used tax havens for generations .

36- Often, Native packers would demand higher packing rates.

37- James packer allegedly promised to stay out of Brisbane.

38- packer recounts how he came to know Berman.

39- I’ve been a packer for 12 years.

40- 954800Yet after packer filed for divorce, the home remained vacant for two years.

41- packer says Idaho currently ranks 49th in physicians per capita in the United States.

42- 119170But a Colt-Seahawk, a Colt-packer, or a packer-Patriot game would also be nice.

43- But unlike Maynard, packer says physician-assisted suicide will never be an option for her.

44- packer duly sets out to change the system, a lone maverick of sober-minded regulatory reform.

45- In 1937 Sir Frank packer named his son after Kerry.

46- The packer has a tube from the receptacle to the tip, which allows the wearer to urinate through the prosthetic.

47- While in Reno, she stays in the guest home of Frances packer with other women who are also awaiting their divorces.

48- Denney contends that the atonement should not be seen forensically (though as packer says, Denney avoided the term “penal” in any case).

49- Richard packer (1794 – 27 July 1872) was a New Zealand politician and Member of Parliament from 1856-1859 representing the Town of Christchurch electorate.

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