pack in a sentence 2

Use ‘pack’ in a sentence | ‘pack’ example sentences

51- Sometimes wolves howl when they become separated from their pack.

52- He lifted his pack onto his shoulders, and set off down the trail.

53- I discouraged my sister from going out with the leader of the pack.

54- The rhinoceros fought hard to protect its offspring from a pack of hyenas.

55- The wolf pack is comprised of two adults, three juvenile females, and four cubs.

56- We were in such a rush to make the ferry that we didn’t have time to pack a lunch.

57- When giving a presentation, don’t try to pack too much information into your speech.

58- Find someone who has begun to pack his/her bags to return to his/her native country.

59- An important rule when hiking or camping in the wilderness is: pack it in, pack it out.

60- Wayne Lukas once remarked that the speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.

61- Do you have a pack of matches to light the fire with? Mine got all wet during the night.

62- When giving a presentation, don’t pace back and forth – it distracts your audience.

63- packThere is a Bulgarian proverb which observes that if you call one wolf, you invite the pack.

64- We had to rush home after work in order to pack up all our stuff to go camping that evening.

65- The runner stumbled at the start of the race and was unable to catch up with the pack after that.

66- When hiking in the wilderness, it is important to properly dispose of anything you can’t pack out.

67- A young child was attacked and badly injured by a pack of stray dogs that have been roaming the streets.

68- His mother was very upset when she found a pack of cigarettes in his pants pocket while she was doing the laundry.

69- Llamas are used as pack animals in the Andes mountains because of their high tolerance for thirst, and their endurance.

70- Naturalists say that wolves are very devoted to their young, and all members of a pack share in the care and upbringing of the pups.

71- With cigarettes costing as little as 25 US cents a pack, there is little incentive for the huge number of smokers in China to quit the deadly habit.

72- incidentDr.

73- Paul MacCready once said, “Your grandchildren will likely find it incredible – or even sinful – that you burned up a gallon of gasoline to fetch a pack of cigarettes!”Now he was totally overwhelmed and the pack was finally killing him.

74- More from Politics Is Christie trying to stand out from the GOP pack?

75- Keep the stuff you’ll need on the trail most accessible in your pack.

76- The can was part of a pack of 12. We had already eaten seven of them.

77- Engadget giveaway: Win a ‘Star Wars’ prize pack courtesy of ThinkGeek!

78- Cars pack a parking lot at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.

79- This time he consistently polls near the top of the pack, behind Bush.

80- It’s another story, however, if you’re at or near the top of the pack.

81- 839503Think of a banana versus a 100-calorie banana bread snack pack.

82- Moments later they’ll be back, looking for another media pack to pitch.

83- And it’s likely you forgot to pack at least one somewhat important item.

84- Drop to the ground; keep your pack on to protect your back, the NPS said.

85- You are braver and stronger than you know. 8. Create your own sanity pack.

86- With the press of a button, I activated a jet pack and popped into the air.

87- By the family mothers and fathers who make sandwiches and pack winter coats.

88- The odd looks soon stopped, and 5-month-old Amy is now just one of the pack.

89- @Max Quinn I was going to say a by-product of alcohol and a “pack mentality”.

90- pack a nutritious lunch and they’ll be well on their way to a productive day.

91- Over the next year, expect to witness some platforms break away from the pack.

92- A expansion pack basically and it costs just as much as a regular retail game.

93- Weather You may want to pack a jacket and an umbrella as you head out the door.

94- The ads would appear in newspapers, on TV, websites and cigarette pack inserts.

95- The ban could leave baseball players searching their pockets for a pack of gum.

96- In terms of the weird stuff, we can pack it all in in a very dense way, he said.

97- 213602Even onto a trampled-down bit of hard-pack where the gallery was walking.

98- I swam in lead pack and biked in the lead pack with the best girls in the world.

99- Just pull out a bathroom wipe from the pack, wipe down a surface and you’re done!

100- After a while, all you want to do is put your weapons away, pack up, and go home.

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