money does not grow on trees in a sentence

Use ‘money does not grow on trees’ in a sentence | ‘money does not grow on trees’ example sentences

1- Unfortunately money does not grow on trees .

2- Sponsorship money doesn’t grow on trees in the States.

3- Money doesn’t grow on trees .

4- If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches?

5- They also wanted to play with the idea that money doesn’t grow on trees .

6- Children can learn how money doesn’t grow on trees and how an ATM machine operates.

7- Money doesn’t grow on trees , but it can surely bypass access to ScT and other trackers.

8- She also seems to be a little cheap; saying that ” money doesn’t grow on trees “.

9- Of course everyone knows money doesn’t grow on trees , and the probability of winning the lottery, well we know the odds of that.

10- Let’s get the money clichés out the way: Time is money, money makes the world go round, money is root of all evil, another day another dollar, money doesn’t grow on trees , I’m not made of money, money can’t buy you happiness and show me the money!

11- We explain to Ryder that money doesn’t grow on trees , you have to work for it, etc. Kyle and I both have great careers and explain to Ryder that you have to have some kind of goal/career if you want nice things in life.

12- ” On corruption, Modi said, “The prime minister says that money does not grow on trees but in Himachal not apple but money grew in one man’s orchard and we need to free nation of the menace.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
don’t cut the treesfull of trees grow on treesgrow on trees knock down the trees leave the trees alonelook at the treesmoney does not grow on treesmoney doesn’t grow on treesmoney doesn’t grow on trees movement of treesneighbor-joining treesnot able to see the forest for the treesornamental trees palm trees 

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