look at the trees in a sentence

Use ‘look at the trees’ in a sentence | ‘look at the trees’ example sentences

1- I wander round the park a bit looking at the trees and stuff.

2- He turned to look at the trees , but they were bare.

3- We can only see the wood if we stop looking at the trees .

4- look at the trees now.

5- I look at the trees that have no leaves and dream of when summer is here.

6- He looks at the trees and thinks to himself how important they are to everyone: lovers, children and friends.

7- Nine o’clock – we go down to the park and look at the trees and animals which is very interesting.

8- Right now many companies are focusing solely on consumer insights and as a result are often getting lost in the forest because they are only looking at the trees .

9- I get up at 5:30 in the morning, and I go out and have a cup of coffee and look at the trees and read the paper.

10- Allow about two hours for this walk on the slopes of Mt Fyffe so that you have time to look at the trees in the native bush and at the lookout point enjoy the wide view of the Kaikoura plain and the sea.

11- As the miserable procession passed Montreuil, Madame Élisabeth bent forward in the carriage to look at the trees of her dear domain.

12- The windows of the house in which he lived were high and he wanted to look at the trees when he awoke in the morning.

13- look at the trees , look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars… and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful.

14- I was looking at the trees and the sky, and feeling very elated all of a sudden, wishing everything should be good for everyone, and it just came to me.

15- After we went through the second door, Buff stood without moving and he looked at the trees and didn’t say anything.

16- I’m an introvert… I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees , flowers, the sky.

17- Allison Paliska, 22, a Lake Forest native, did what a lot of visitors do – she sat on the edge of the Tidal Basin, swinging her legs above the water, just looking at the trees during “peak weekend.

18- look at the trees in this sample image…. The X-T1 is said to have better performance than the Pentax K-3 (can easily be seen when turning on the “Compare” mode for the subscores).

19- If you looked at the Trees’ upper halves; at the streaming leaf-hair and the mischievous faces of the Silver Birches and the wise, implacable solemnity of the Oaks and the cool, wanton beauty of the Beeches, you could very nearly see similarities to Human features and Human characteristics.

20- As a post note, Nilsson’s explained synthesis of The Point : “I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points, and the houses came to points.

21- look at the trees .’ They were small ashes, which at some time had been cut down and had sprouted up again into a forest of poles, none of them thicker than one’s wrist.

22- ‘Dead,’ said Floy softly, and then looked at the Trees .

23- arrived at the scheduled day and time and we did a quick walk through to look at the trees and go over the scope of work.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
deciduous treesdon’t cut the treesfull of trees grow on treesgrow on trees knock down the trees leave the trees alonelook at the treesmoney does not grow on treesmoney doesn’t grow on treesmoney doesn’t grow on trees movement of treesneighbor-joining treesnot able to see the forest for the treesornamental trees 

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