in-tow in a sentence 2

Use ‘in tow’ in a sentence | ‘in tow’ example sentences

51- Dru returned to Genoa City with Lily in tow and donated necessary bone marrow to save Olivia’s life.

52- Erin ultimately is revealed to have been watching from the back, Cece in tow, to Andy’s delight and to Jim and Pam’s chagrin.

53- On soils that are loose sand, gravel, or loose dirt, a non-wheeled kiting ski board or land ski allows deflections or kiting effects used in tow sports (e.

54- Ship was abandoned and taken in tow but sank on 5 January 1944.

55- Enraged, Ruan leaves the apartment with a curious Dong Zi in tow.

56- Children’s Orchestra Eve descends from a mountain with her white children in tow.

57- The Volendam did not sink, and was subsequently taken in tow to Scotland for repairs.

58- The larger one took the smaller in tow, set sail and they tried to make for the West Indies.

59- On January 12, 1863, Rhode Island left Hampton Roads with the monitor Passaic in tow for Port Royal, arriving safely.

60- Bailey, with his friend Pongo Twistleton and Pongo’s Uncle Fred in tow, waits at the selected spot, but Myra doesn’t turn up.

61- Corley and his wife toured in summer stock in Indiana and New Jersey with his young daughter Troy in tow.

62- On 7 June 1945, the minesweeper left Sydney for Darwin, with the oil lighter (and former submarine) K9 in tow.

63- She leaves Walford to clear her head, and comes home with baby Freddie in tow, to see Graham convicted of rape.

64- Amagiri took Shirakumo in tow and the three destroyers returned to the Shortlands without completing their mission.

65- On New Year’s Eve, Ali visits Esi before going home and while Ali is there, Oko drives up to Esi’s house with their daughter, Ogyaanowa, in tow.

66- Cone, who will have championship caliber players like James Yap and Kerby Raymundo in tow, was also present in the Llamados practice Wednesday morning.

67- On March 9, 1968, the band decamped to Columbia’s recording facility in Nashville, with Clarence White in tow, to begin recording sessions for Sweetheart of the Rodeo.

More Sentences: 12
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