in tow in a sentence

Use ‘in tow’ in a sentence | ‘in tow’ example sentences

1- Picard was happy with another conquest in tow .

2- Some couples arrived with children in tow .

3- I pitch through the hedge in tow .

4- She was taken in tow but sank before reaching safety.

5- The Captain arrived with friends in tow .

6- Cheryl later leaves town with Lucas in tow .

7- Helen leaves with her beloved son in tow .

8- No more walking through the forest with 7 dwarfs in tow .

9- Pretty soon Tony arrived with a handsome young man in tow .

10- The latter then took the stricken Barr in tow .

11- Before long Campbell returned with all four boats still in tow .

12- With a little kids in tow , to boot.

13- Seven years later , they have seven children in tow .

14- Everything takes longer when you’ve got kids in tow .

15- Can you see a sled trailer in tow !

16- She hooked me and took me in tow .

17- In fact, I’m quite interested in towing stories.

18- Step 2… approach selling club with half dozen lawyers in tow .

19- Galeni had returned with a tall young lieutenant in tow .

20- One daughter wi’ three or four kids in tow .

21- Kennedy, with McMahon in tow arrived first.

22- So I weakened and allowed myself to be taken in tow .

23- Medium Alison returns home for vacation with Joan in tow .

24- Joan stops by the office with baby Kevin in tow .

25- The trouble is, she’s got this chap in tow .

26- He’d a chap in tow who is doing the case.

27- Cute partner and maybe TV crew in tow .

28- Just then his roommate came in with girlfriend in tow .

29- He left, returning shortly thereafter with a second policeman in tow .

30- All while wearing the latest fashions, and five cubs in tow .

31- Half an hour later Mariko returned, brother in tow .

32- She marched out, Victorine in tow .

33- These travel in tow behind the Capricorn Mist like faithful hounds.

34- A good-looker like her probably had half a dozen in tow .

35- He headed straight for the front door, the blonde in tow .

36- With parents in tow , they excitedly pointed out their artwork.

37- The chromatic dragon was blasted downwards; the Twilight Father in tow .

38- Above, the M2-F1 aircraft in towed flight.

39- Or did he have a MASH unit in tow too ?

40- in tow was the equally regrettable Onyx. The director came to the meeting with her assistant in tow.

41- Charles Didbin once remarked that soon or late death will take us in tow.

42- She arrived at the picnic with three hyper children, a cranky husband and two dogs in tow.

43- Snowmobilers racing through normally busy Boston streets with snowboarders in tow.

44- With dozens of reporters and bystanders in tow, the tour ended at a mural of Gray.

45- Keep your preapproval letter, as opposed to a basic prequalification letter, in tow.

46- The Boeing C-17 – with the Orion in tow – took off from the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.

47- They put on placards instead and marched down to the Bank of The Bahamas with the media in tow.

48- The Quraishi army was depicted as having women in tow, when the women were noticeably absent.

49- Harry has a new girlfriend in tow, Joyce who is not only not Jewish but married much to his mother’s horror.

50- In Wedding Chest, a young Kyrgyz man returns home from his studies in France, with a beautiful French fiancée in tow.

More Sentences: 12
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