halve poverty in a sentence

halve poverty in a sentence

1) Their aim is to “encourage our leaders to halve global poverty by 2015″.

2) The government’s goal is to halve child poverty by 2010 and eradicate it by 2020.

3) The country also claims it has achieved Millennium Development Goal 1, which is to halve poverty , well ahead of 2015.

4) As you know, poverty in China has decreased by two thirds since 1981 and in Vietnam, poverty was halved in a decade.

5) This is the rationale behind a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) initiative which it hopes will help halve world poverty by 2015.

6) ACL has worked with Micah Challenge to reduce third world poverty and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on halving global poverty by 2012.

7) July 21–July 23 – G-8 Nations hold their 26th Annual Summit; issues include AIDS, the ‘digital divide’, and halving world poverty by 2015.

8) More than 30,000 private businesses had been created, the economy was growing at an annual rate of more than 7%, and poverty was nearly halved .

9) People can use handheld devices to make … more ” FACT: our generation has already halved extreme poverty , and you can help end it forever.

10) The campaign estimates that at the current level of progress, the goal of halving extreme poverty will not be reached until 2150 (2).

11) ” Halving Global poverty ,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, v. 17(3): 3-22.

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