poverty in a sentence

poverty in a sentence

1) Another 50 million interventions are represented through poverty programme.

2) The vicious cycle towards poverty wound down hill.

3) The foremost factor limiting female education is poverty .

4) Yet data shows more govt spending increased poverty .

5) The medical associated estimated care below poverty preventive are policies.

6) This makes racism and poverty ecological issues.

7) The results include concrete reductions in poverty .

8) Can a mobile communications company help end extreme poverty ?

9) First hand experience of real poverty is shocking.

10) The disparity between wealth and poverty was inescapable.

11) Palestinian poverty rates tell a similar story.

12) Child poverty involves material deprivation and hardship.

13) The national poverty line is defined by each country.

14) What harmed cities were concentrations of poverty .

15) Imagine trying to alleviate poverty without growth.

16) poverty is eased as sustainable entrepreneurial projects are developed.

17) We must reduce and eventually eliminate poverty .

18) Growth in turn has helped reduce poverty .

19) The impact of poverty is too devastating.

20) There was little enough concern with poverty nearer home.

21) So nowhere is either extreme poverty or exceptional wealth evident.

22) Food insecurity and poverty are strongly correlated.

23) A strong link exists between poverty and high school dropout rates.

24) How does lack of education causes poverty ?

25) The poverty guidelines are updated annually for inflation.

26) poverty is strongly linked to teen pregnancy.

27) This water scarcity directly correlates with poverty .

28) Father absence is another major cause of child poverty .

29) This theory blames tradition for global poverty .

30) They therefore conclude that population growth causes poverty .

31) Educational level is clearly related to poverty .

32) Channel 4 was accused of making poverty porn.

33) This has led to widespread poverty amongst disabled citizens.

34) The primary cause of street children is poverty .

35) Webber has been called “an outspoken activist against urban poverty .

36) Childhood poverty also has long term economic consequences.

37) There are large differences in poverty rates across racial groups.

38) They target regions where poverty reduction is a priority.

39) A major catalyst of cyanide fishing is poverty within fishing communities.

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