go postal in a sentence

Use “go postal” in a sentence | “go postal” example sentences

1- Possibly the closest are the ” going postal ” incidents.

2- I believe it ‘s about some guy going postal .

3- It is customers like you that cause associates to go postal !

4- According to a news release today , drones are going postal in France.

5- Satisfying but not electrifying sequel to going postal .

6- In ” going postal ” this is the Lady Sybil Free Hospital.

7- The emergence of the phrase ,” going postal ,” is not for nothing.

8- Like we need another crackpot ‘ going postal ‘ or accidentally discharging his weapon and hurting innocent people.

9- Ready to go postal ?

10- That was one evil-eyed pic of JPK and Jordan looks like he is about to go postal .

11- The cliché of ” going postal ” is also explained thoroughly, and not treated as just a punchline.

12- The golems also figure into the sub-series featuring “Moist von Lipwig” that begins with ” going postal .

13- If I see one more fat “handicapped” person at a football game, I’m going to go postal .

14- It has been suggested that by ” going postal ” he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock.

15- You can either shrug their crap off and go about your day or speed up and go postal on their inconsiderate asses .

16- I can understand why workers go postal (though Im not about to, just in case anyone is wondering ) and how some people can go off the deep end.

17- One of Ms Brett’s “sources” for her paper’s story, it transpired, had ” gone postal “, as the young endearingly put it.

18- What passes for thought in the film can be found in uninspired exchanges like the one between Tom and Jack after the latter goes postal on the school bully.

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