for-the-sake-of in a sentence 3

Use ‘for the sake of’ in a sentence | ‘for the sake of’ example sentences

101- “, in which he uses paranormal powers to save the Junior Woodchucks from catastrophe, only to voluntarily relinquish them for the sake of hard work and friendship.

102- I love art, but not for the sake of shocking others.

103- ” Lerner said he knew the lyric used incorrect grammar for the sake of a rhyme.

104- ” This is used when he ultimately has to defeat his master for the sake of love.

105- He has shown considerable bravery for the sake of protecting the ones close to him.

106- The poor intra-band relations had remained secret for the sake of outward appearance.

107- ” Proverbs 3:17 ” The Talmud explains, “The entire Torah is for the sake of the ways of shalom”.

108- He shall be exempt for one year for the sake of his family, to bring joy to the wife he has married.

109- We have undergone many dangers with you on land and sea for the sake of our common freedom and safety.

110- Mr. Aiba tells Kishin that he has to die for the sake of humanity, and he is willing to die along with him.

111- He advises Maria Paula to marry Ferraco to recover her money, and for the sake of her and Ferraco’s son Renato.

112- Freedom of vocation, a ban on contracts with loss of freedom for the sake of work, education or religious vows.

113- A skilled fencer, Rei dislikes fighting, but fights for the sake of protecting everyone’s dream and the safety of the world.

114- Yasukuni Shrine honors not only unidentified soldiers from the Pacific War but all people who died for the sake of the country.

115- Meicatalecticizant would more completely express the meaning of that which, for the sake of brevity, I denominate the catalecticant.

116- In 1555, Marsh was interrogated at Smithills Hall and then taken to Boughton in Cheshire and burnt at the stake for the sake of his faith.

117- A figure of speech where a word that normally applies to one thing is used to designate another for the sake of creating a mental picture.

118- In ” My Heavy Meddle “, he convinces Elliot, who has just broken up with J.D., to mend their relationship for the sake of the group dynamic.

119- These lands included scattered plots in the Monument that, critics claimed, could no longer be developed for the sake of Utah’s school children.

120- When Nick and Phyllis’ daughter Summer goes into anaphalatic shock from an allergic reaction to nuts, reuniting them for the sake of their daughter.

121- Jenkins has repeatedly denied accusations that he was attempting to marry the woman for the sake of her net worth, which was estimated at $4,000,000 USD.

122- The rejoinder was that people did not go there to vote; they attending the meetings for the sake of the meeting, the discussion, and the good fellowship.

123- As Time magazine critic Sheppard writes, Chevalier presents “an exquisitely controlled exercise that illustrates how temptation is restrained for the sake of art”.

124- Self-centered activity is expressed outwardly as nationalism and religious intolerance, creating a divided world, in which we are willing to kill for the sake of belief.

125- The museum published numerous works under Burmeister’s direction, who also donated a sizable part of its growing collection for the sake of the new La Plata Museum in 1884.

126- We define also that the explanation of those words “and from the Son” was licitly and reasonably added to the creed for the sake of declaring the truth and from imminent need.

127- The crowd continued their raucous protest, subsiding only after Nemov stepped up to the podium and pleaded with his supporters to quiet down for the sake of the other athletes.

128- Mavi: I am not fighting for the sake of humans.

129- She once manipulated norm for the sake of Levram.

130- Now Sho must Idaten Battle for the sake of returning home.

131- I can forgive lame plotting for the sake of excellent acting.

132- Nanarama gave up almost all mundane comforts for the sake of the final goal.

133- Felice and her friends stop seeing Lilly for the sake of their own survival.

134- So in case of any external invasion, they fought unitedly for the sake of their territory.

135- Gameplay Barbarian features gory combat for the sake of rescuing a bikini-wearing princess.

136- They never did consider training an army for the sake of invasion or defense of their own province.

137- Chaosnet was specifically for LANs; features to support WANs were left out for the sake of simplicity.

138- Marx saw himself as doing morally neutral sociology and economic theory for the sake of human development.

139- She also said her friend and co-star Roberta Taylor had convinced her to leave the show for the sake of her health.

140- “, and he and his fellow Frenchmen were made to walk slowly past them “for the sake of giving time to anyone who struck us.

141- Rousseau wrote that he persuaded Thérèse to give each of the newborns up to a foundling hospital, for the sake of her “honor”.

142- I wish success and creative inspiration to all the artist who are working for the sake of Ukrainian art and spirituality development.

143- Murphy declines, but Dresden convinces her to use it for the moment-for the sake of his daughter.

144- The dying often believe for themselves; not for another person or for the sake of some book they wrote.

145- Jong-Won wanted to stay together for the sake of their daughter, Sora, but finally agreed to a divorce.

146- He has a loyal confidant called Narasimha fro imis (Suman), who is willing to give his life for the sake of his master.

147- Hoyer (p.390) recommends for the sake of stability that gaps should not exceed 6 m even if strong and thick boards are used.

148- I’ve campaigned for freedom since 1983, and I am not going to surrender that freedom for the sake of a more convenient computer.

149- Iris persuades Mark and Laura to reconcile for the sake of her baby, and gives birth to William Alex Garrison (Arthur Benoit, Jr.).

150- ” In a fond remark of this Rhapsody, Horowitz also told Frost that: It is rather bravura for the sake of the musical spirit of the piece.

More Sentences: 1234
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