for-the-sake-of in a sentence 2

Use ‘for the sake of’ in a sentence | ‘for the sake of’ example sentences

51- He stopped smoking for the sake of his health.

52- He gave up drinking for the sake of his health.

53- He worked very hard for the sake of his family.

54- You’d better study for the sake of your future.

55- She married him for the sake of his family name.

56- They worked hard for the sake of their children.

57- He contributed a lot of money for the sake of art.

58- They stayed married for the sake of their children.

59- He has given up smoking for the sake of his health.

60- He moved to a warmer place for the sake of his health.

61- She moved to a warmer place for the sake of her health.

62- They only stayed together for the sake of their children.

63- He did everything he could do for the sake of his children.

64- I admonished him against smoking for the sake of his health.

65- He took the job for the sake of his career but he didn’t like it.

66- We must find the money, Madam Chairman, for the sake of the children.

67- for the sake of children in need, we cooperated to collect donations.

68- It’s a tragedy that rainforests are being destroyed for the sake of profits.

69- Edward Abbey once noted that growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

70- There is an Azerbaijani proverb which states, “Never mind storms and snows for the sake of a friend.

71- “They beat him and tortured him just for the sake of it, she told CNN.

72- for the sake of all and for the sake of yourselves – find the balance!

73- I’m not interested in showing up on every front row for the sake of it.

74- I really hope it does, for the sake of the sport, he told CNN’s Richard Quest.

75- for the sake of peace, Japan must face up to its past, says DW’s Alexander Freund.

76- for the sake of my family I trust that these will finally be put to rest, he said.

77- So we wouldn’t do these for the sake of doing them unless they paid for themselves.

78- for the sake of our country’s good I hope there will be AK Party single-party rule.

79- This is a battle we can’t afford to lose, for the sake of athletics and all sports.

80- Studying purely for the sake of passing the examinations is really a waste of life.”

81- Does Huckabee think it’s fun to belittle these people for the sake of juvenile humor?

82- Principle 3: Outcomes, transparency and accountability for the sake of our communities.

83- KMT caucus whip Lai Shyh-bao (???) said the KMT went to China “for the sake of Taiwan.”

84- 394598I think we should go with total capitulation for the sake of the future grandchild.

85- 772752The public is fed-up with bad reporting for the sake of sensationalizing something!

86- But for the sake of peace, the future and for us to build our country, let’s work together.

87- He called on the firm to clear up the scandal quickly for the sake of the industry as a whole.

88- To the contrary, she said, they are dismantling the education network for the sake of austerity.

89- Hamas is taking us hostage for the sake of its own interest, university graduate Ahmed Tiri said.

90- This is fundamentally opposed to our values as Jews who work for the sake of the people of Israel.”

91- for the sake of territorial aggrandizement he deprived his country of the fruits of Western learning and civilization.

92- Lacroix produced most of his texts for the sake of improving his courses.

93- Rebecca chose to conceal Robin’s activities for the sake of their relationship.

94- Nielson worked extremely hard to recover as quickly as possible for the sake of her children and herself.

95- He seeks scents for the sake of knowing, and he had no purpose in gathering all the scents but to satisfy his greed for smells.

96- One could say-exaggerating a little, for the sake of paraphrase -that his revolution (interior and social) is postponed by the torpor.

97- The prime condition is that the individual should not be forced to humiliate and lower himself for the sake of property and subsistence.

98- He is easily bullied and also submits to their beatings without complaint (for the sake of Han Tae Eun’s safety), which only angers her.

99- The band released 2 demo CD recordings, “Unholy Lords Of Rock” and “Blood Red Diary” (also released on cassette for the sake of old school).

100- He is very much willing to set aside his own safety for the sake of others, and usually (but not always) remains level-headed when implementing a strategy.

More Sentences: 1234
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