end poverty in a sentence

end poverty in a sentence

1) Rural poverty report 2001 – the challenge of ending rural poverty .

2) We must make ending poverty a national priority.

3) Education is a crucial factor in ending global poverty .

4) Education is the key to ending poverty and increasing global growth.

5) Business is fundamentally heroic , because it ends poverty .

6) What if we ended poverty in our lifetimes?

7) The left wing dreamers keep telling us it will end poverty .

8) The non-profit sector cannot end poverty in America working alone.

9) ending child poverty is eminently achievable.

10) Is empowering women the answer to ending poverty in the developing world?

11) As Mackey stated , “Capitalism is ending poverty on planet earth.

12) Condoms are not the answer to ending the poverty .

13) Its mission is to end poverty for 5 million families by 2024.

14) But what will President Obama say about ending poverty ?

15) Libertarianism is the only way to end poverty .

16) The commies believe that one world government will end poverty and war .

17) Work to end poverty and hunger?

18) My political commitments are above all else to equality and to ending poverty .

19) ending child poverty by 2020 is the defining mission of Labour in Government.

20) The Mother expresses her desire to end poverty by taking up economics in college.

21) So at the World Bank we talk about ending poverty and building shared prosperity.

22) We work to end poverty .

23) Political energy has focused instead on ending not poverty but welfare,” the report noted.

24) The only way to end child poverty , is to stop the poor from breeding.

25) Education is one of the most efficient, successful and cost-effective ways to end poverty .

26) Morales and Lula agree to work together on a program of cooperation to end poverty .

27) After 2015 we should move from reducing to ending extreme poverty , in all its forms.

28) In the 1970’s the Appropriate Technology Movement tried to end poverty through low-tech inventions.

29) Compared to improving public education or ending poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, this should be easy.

30) The most ambitious and controversial part of the Great Society was its initiative to end poverty .

31) The latter two are coalitions of NGOs, faith groups and individuals working to end extreme poverty .

32) It would have included legislation aimed at ending poverty , and appropriations adequate to implement such legislation.

33) He is also the convener of Call to Renewal, an interfaith effort to end poverty .

34) Otherwise , yes, I agree, we have little excuse for not ending energy poverty worldwide.

35) But if that is the case they should at least stop using grand rhetoric about ending global poverty .

36) To say that we can end poverty in our world isn’t naïve; it’s idealistic.

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