careful scrutiny in a sentence

Use ‘careful scrutiny’ in a sentence | ‘careful scrutiny’ example sentences

1- These relationships will require careful scrutiny moving forward .

2- The nature of the disparity needs careful scrutiny .

3- Very careful scrutiny of all pages is recommended.

4- Thus, his words deserve careful scrutiny .

5- careful scrutiny is needed in the detection of cortical venous reflux.

6- The information given there has not withstood careful scrutiny .

7- The powers and functions need careful scrutiny by Rodney Hide.

8- Each of these proposals will get careful scrutiny .

9- Such esoteric interpretations of Scripture are difficult to recognize without careful scrutiny .

10- I have done that after the most careful scrutiny .

11- A careful scrutiny of the record is not supportive of this conclusion.

12- Antin’s emphasis on Americanization and total assimilation deserves careful scrutiny .

13- And upon a careful scrutiny I realize that what he says is true.

14- Training stations were instructed to provide careful scrutiny by examining boards for all candidates.

15- However, that view of the passage is impossible when put under careful scrutiny .

16- careful scrutiny by telescopes and space probes reveals no trace of any such object.

17- After careful scrutiny Fisher put the plan forward to the Admiralty with his recommendation.

18- It therefore merits careful scrutiny .

19- It therefore merits careful scrutiny .

20- It therefore merits careful scrutiny .

21- All WMAP data are released to the public and have been subject to careful scrutiny .

22- careful scrutiny has been used to prevent their relatives from getting ID cards and voting rights.

23- At many companies, performance appraisal forms seem to undergo the same careful scrutiny as credos.

24- Discerning involves drawing a conclusion as to the identity of an object based on careful scrutiny .

25- Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny .

26- Political speech costs money, and efforts to limit contributions and expenditures for political campaigns deserve careful scrutiny .

27- Such comparison requires a careful scrutiny to determine in what points the labels of the products differ….

28- Efforts to stain paper artificially to give an appearance of age have little hope of withstanding careful scrutiny .

29- Chapter six is long and involved and demands a bit of careful scrutiny before it yields its powerful truths.

30- His poor analyses go back some twenty five years and are worthy of more careful scrutiny and wider knowledge.

31- But what he might have to say deserves careful scrutiny on our part and skillful handling on his.

32- Players have therefore to exercise careful scrutiny during bidding, as not to incur an unnecessary loss of points.

33- Due to the unsettled nature of late-1940s Europe, sorting out who was who involved careful scrutiny .

34- The NetPBM file format is simple enough to allow the careful scrutiny of the code that will handle it.

35- German citizens in Morocco were placed under careful scrutiny and four were executed within days of the war’s start.

36- Such figures as we have need careful scrutiny , because they rarely take account of those who came back.

37- The KSČ rank-and-file membership, approximately 2.5 million in March 1948, began to be subjected to careful scrutiny .

38- It then passes on to the editing group, where careful scrutiny is applied in the search for unwanted artifacts.

39- These phasing arrangements required a careful scrutiny of the cost of providing services and assessment of the value of services.

40- And he wants to see a careful scrutiny to make sure that the existing money is used to greatest effect. careful scrutiny of the record of the Court may lead to the conclusion that it has been remarkably per¬ceptive of the changing currents of international thought.

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scrupulousnessscrutiniesscrutinizescrutinizedscrutinizesscrutinizingscrutinycareful scrutinyjudicial scrutinybear scrutinymedia scrutinyunder scrutinyparliamentary scrutinybear scrutinyclose scrutiny

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