Use ‘arrive on the scene’ in a sentence | ‘arrive on the scene’ example sentences
1- The police will soon arrive on the scene.
2- 800143The situation escalates as other officers arrive on the scene.
3- Obadiah falls off a cliff, but Iron Man catches him as terrorists arrive on the scene.
4- When Fung and Wai arrive on the scene, they see corpses everywhere and learn that Yee has been captured by the gang.
5- Severely wounded, Leo can’t escape the police who arrive on the scene of the brutal firefight, and he realizes that dying is a lot harder than killing.
6- Fodder and his comrades arrive on the scene to be confronted by Lucifer, whose demons kill Watson and Mycroft and rip off Fodder’s hand.
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political scene – music scene – make a scene – scene-of-crime – jazz scene – part of a scene – appear on the scene – arrive on the scene – opening scene – involved in the scene – angry scene – social scene – crime scene – depicting scene – behind the scenes –
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